Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Day 4912

My Fitbit said I got zero sleep last night. I probably slept a little, but not much. I pulled a muscle in my shoulder and it hurts to sleep on my side like I usually do. Apparently I can't sleep on my back. The aches and pains of growing older are never ending. Hopefully, I'll sleep better tonight. Sleeping is my favorite activity.

We got an early start this morning because Janet had volunteer work she needed to do. It's hard to believe that it was completely dark when we walked at the same time last winter. Since we are approaching the longest day of the year, the sun seems to be always up now. We had a nice early walk with Dawn. She has so much energy on these walks that it's easy to forget that she spends most of the day sleeping on the bed. Dawn really enjoys smelling things in the park and is very observant. She's almost always the first to spot things on our walks. The one thing she doesn't notice are approaching bicycles. It's our job to protect her from those.

I've grown tired of watching television while I eat breakfast but can't think of anything else to occupy my time. The news is depressing. The world is a hot mess. All the cable news channels are obsessed with politics, which I have no interest in. The commercials are the worst. It seems like there are only about a dozen commercials on television and they run over and over again. Most of the commercials are for dubious pharmaceutical products. Maybe the networks know that only old people watch television these days.

I wonder how long it will be before I grow tired of eating shredded wheat and fruit for breakfast. I've gone through a seemingly endless cycle of trying different things for breakfast and nothing seems to last more than two or three years. I ate a grapefruit for breakfast for a long time. I had oatmeal for a while too. I went through a period where I made myself elaborate omelets and one of my recipes even got featured in a cookbook. Probably the period where I fixed myself a smoothie every morning lasted the longest. I tried too convince myself that these smoothies were healthy, but they were just as sweet as those drinks people love at Starbucks. Fruit is full of sugar and I put ice cream in the smoothies as well. Not surprisingly, I gained weight when I was drinking a large smoothie every morning. I doubt that I will ever return to going out to eat on Friday mornings. The restaurant meals took too much time and I've become too reclusive to spend time sitting in a crowded restaurant. For now, shredded wheat and strawberries will have to do.

I was really slow on my long walk today. I'm surprised at how much my energy seems to vary from day to day. Maybe I was extra tired today because I got so little sleep last night. Who knows? On a good day I can complete my walk ten minutes faster than on a bad day. Some of this has to be due with the weather. Cool dry days are much better than warm muggy days. I'll almost always complete my route no matter how I'm feeling or what the weather is doing. I've walked in ice and snow and blazing hot summers. I've gotten caught in the rain quite a few times. I even make sure I get at least 10,000 steps when I'm traveling. Some things do stop me though. I didn't do any walking that week I was in the hospital.

I wrote a letter to my sister this afternoon but didn't get around to mailing it. I can do that tomorrow when I renew a prescription. I still haven't fixed the screen door. For some reason I'm dreading that job. Whatever happens I imagine that tomorrow will look a lot like today. The dogs days of summer have arrived.

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