Tonight as I tried and failed again to find the planet Uranus, I wondered if something like this already existed. Of course it does. A quick Google search revealed that you can already download a sky chart app for Google Glass. Forget that. I'm not paying $1500 for Google Glass. There is a less expensive AR viewer that uses your phone called Universe2Go. I'm not sure it works very well. National Geographic makes something like this as well, but they don't sell it to individuals. You can buy tickets for the 'experience' at select planetariums. I wonder why I've never heard of these things before? Probably because they are either very expensive, or don't work as promised. This is the future though. I'd definitely buy some augmented reality star chart glasses once prices come down to earth.
My purchases today were definitely down to earth. I got strawberries, blueberries, and cheese. I filled up the car with gas and was home again in plenty of time to take a walk before noon. This winter has definitely gotten off to a better start than last winter. Today was beautiful. The park was full of people and there were dozens of small sailboats on the lake. One thing was missing though. All the porta-potties in the park had vanished. I didn't even notice this until several people stopped me to ask where the bathrooms were. Strange. Why would the city remove all the bathrooms from a busy city park? When I first moved here there were nice clean restrooms with running water and real toilets. These buildings were built by the CCC during the 1930's and served the city well for over 60 years. At some point the city padlocked all these buildings. They still stand, but nobody can use them. Now all the porta-potties are gone as well.
I got a lot more done today than I had planned. I changed the furnace filters, cleaned up the utility room, vacuumed the house, and attempted to clear away all the leaves in the back year with the leaf blower. The leaves will require a lot more work, but at least I cleared them away from the house and the back porch. I didn't go up on the roof though. Maybe tomorrow. I think the weather is going to be even warmer tomorrow.
This week has gone quickly. It doesn't seem like it is already time to go back to the gym. I'm beginning to think all my activity has been beneficial. I have more energy now. It's not a lot, but it is noticeable. I'm finishing my five mile walks a few minutes earlier than I used to. These are small steps, but they are in the right direction.
Hunter is today's Dalmatian of the Day |
Watch of the Day |