National Geographic keeps asking me if the goat has been adopted yet. They want to finish the show about the friendship between the goat, great dane and three legged dog, but they still need a happy ending for their story. I'd like to finish the story too. I'm afraid that if the rescue group waits too long to adopt the animals that the producers will lose interest in the story and it will never air.
Probably I just need to be patient. Everything gets finished eventually. I finally launched the last of this year's crop of new websites today. I thought that would never happen either. Dash's skin is starting to look better too. Maybe someday, even the plumbing problems will go away. I probably won't live that long though.
At least I met all my deadlines today. I got to my meeting on time. I successfully uploaded a bunch of large files to the online printer I use. Dash got his weekly allergy shot at the vet. I may even have time to click on a few EC and Adgitize ads.
Dalmatian of the Day![]() | Watch of the Day![]() |