Saturday, July 22, 2023

Day 4958

Today was busy. I surprised myself with how much I got done. I do set the bar pretty low these days though. Maybe I was a bit more energetic because it was cooler today. For the first time in a long time the temperature didn't top 100 degrees. When 90 degrees seems cool, you know it is summer in Texas.

I was hoping to sleep in this morning but Dawn had other ideas. She wanted a walk. It was actually very nice out early this morning. Too bad these sunrise temperatures don't last very long. By the time we finished our big weekend breakfast it was already hot.

I got my grocery shopping finished early this morning and filled the car with gas. My grocery list wasn't long, but I still had to go to several stores. I think grocery store parking lots are more dangerous than most roads these days. People are always racing around looking for the last available parking spot. You've got to be careful or you'll get hit.

When I returned home I defrosted the little refrigerator. I have to do this every few months. It's too bad that these little dorm room refrigerators aren't self defrosting like a regular refrigerator. This thing was supposed to be temporary, but somehow it has become permanent. We can't get a bigger main refrigerator because it fits in a little alcove in the kitchen. A lot of modern refrigerators won't fit in this 1950's sized space. At any rate, a big refrigerator plus a small dorm room refrigerator seems to work just fine.

While the little refrigerator was thawing out, I washed the car. I should just start going to a car wash because cleaning the wheels is harder than it used to be. Whenever I have to kneel down for any length of time, I realize that my knees aren't in very good shape.

Even though the temperature didn't top 100 degrees today, it was still too hot to take my long walk in the park. I went back to the gym again and did my three miles on the indoor track. I was a little slower this morning but I didn't care. No basketball today because other people were using the court. I went back to the store on the way home to pick up a few things I forgot. In retrospect, the day wasn't really that busy, but it was busy enough for me.

I still haven't heard whether I've been approved to attend next Wednesday's Falcon Heavy launch. Approval notices seem to come later and later these days. I guess it doesn't matter because I've more or less decided that I'm not going to bother with this one. It just seems too expensive to make a quick trip to see something I've already seen many times before.

I hate to think what next month's electric bill is going to be. The air conditioner has been running non stop. At least I can do my walking indoors for the rest of the summer. Tomorrow I'll skip the gym and go mall walking instead. Both places are ice cold. I have to wear a long sleeved shirt when I go walking in these places. It remains to be seen whether it will be too hot for Dawn's Sunday outing tomorrow, but we'll go get ice cream cones anyway. We're definitely back to our regular schedule now.

Pongo is today's Dalmatian of the Day

Watch of the Day