Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Day 4730

Today was busy. We got up early and gave Dawn her morning walk before I took Janet to the dentist for dental surgery. I took my own long walk right after breakfast so I would be home in time to pick Janet up again after she was finished with her procedure. I was pretty fast this morning. This was the first time I finished a mile in less than 20 minutes in quite a while. While I was out walking I passed an older gentleman who I frequently see on the trails. I told him that he was doing a better job of staying in shape than I was. The guy smiled and said "I'm 85 years old. I'm just trying to stay alive." I found this strangely encouraging. The guy was ten years older than me and still going strong.

I went to pick Janet up around noon. The traffic was much lighter than it was at 8:30 AM. I don't experience morning rush hour very often anymore. I don't know how people can stand to do this day after day. It would drive me nuts. I started my own company in 1990 and have worked out of my house ever since. It's definitely a different world than when I used to drive to work everyday. Life was a lot less hectic in the 1980's.

Janet and I have been inundated with e-mail spam lately. She changed all her passwords recently and I decided to do the same today. When I logged into my web hosting account it didn't look familiar. Now that I don't build websites for a living anymore, I don't have a need to visit this place very often. I wondered if the company had been sold. I eventually found the spam filter section of the site and much to my chagrin, all my filters were turned off by default. This would explain the surge in spam I've been receiving lately. The spam filter tool used by the hosting company was different than the one they used before. It would have been nice if my web host had told me about this. In fairness, maybe they did tell me and the message went to my own e-mail spam filter. At any rate, I configured the site-wide spam filter and turned it on. We'll see if it makes any difference.

Next, I changed a bunch of old passwords to modern more secure versions. I should have done this long ago, but spam and hacking attempts haven't been a problem for me until recently. In the process of changing passwords, I inadvertently locked myself out of my e-mail account. I called tech support and was connected to a call center in India. Does everybody outsource their tech support these days? It certainly appears that way. The guy I was talking to had trouble understanding my problem and I had trouble understanding his English. Calling tech support is an exercise in frustration these days. Eventually, I figured out what I was doing wrong on my own and reconnected to my e-mail account. I thanked the guy for his help, even though he hadn't helped me at all.

I took a shower and was grateful that I didn't have to used the wet-dry vac to suck the water out from under the shower tiles today. The vacuum is noisy and I didn't want to wake Janet up. If it's not one kind of water problem in this house it's another. There is rain in the forecast for the rest of the week and I'm worried that the roof leaks will start again. There aren't any leaks currently, but I know that the roof hasn't had enough time to completely dry out after our last heavy rains. I guess we'll see what happens. The rain is supposed to start later tonight.

I'm not sure what is on the schedule for tomorrow. The next thing on my calendar is an appointment with the eye doctor on Friday. I hope the weather allows us to give Dawn her walks. Dogs definitely need a daily walk. So do people.

Ellis is today's Dalmatian of the Day

Watch of the Day