Just about everyone I talked to today wanted to reschedule something. It seemed like I spent most of the day just moving appointments from one day to another in my iCal program. That's OK. At least the meetings aren't being canceled. One way or another, it looks like I'm going to be busy this month. It's unlikely that I'll make any money though. A lot of these meetings are for pro bono projects I've foolishly agreed to do and the rest seem to be about future projects that might not even happen. I still believe in leaving no stone unturned. You never know. One of these seemingly pointless meetings might actually lead to something good.
I think the dogs are just as disgusted with the heat as I am. They only want to walk about half as far as they normally go in milder weather and neither one of them seemed to have any interest in training class tonight. I can't blame them. It's just too hot to do anything outside for very long. And before I forget, did any of you take the time to vote for Kobe? I noticed today that he's still sitting in 8th. place on the Purina website.
Dalmatian of the Day | Watch of the Day |