Monday, June 6, 2022

Day 4547

Well, we've got a new dishwasher. They won't be able to deliver and install it until Saturday, but that's OK. The old dishwasher still works and I just need to remember to mop up the small amount of water that leaks on the kitchen floor after I do the dishes. I hope everything goes smoothly. I've had problems with appliances fitting through doors before. I think appliances were smaller when our house was built in the mid 1950's. I wish the salesperson hadn't spent so much time explaining what my options were if the dishwasher arrived with scratches or dents. Now I'm worried that I'm going to get something with a dent in it.

As luck would have it, my dealer friend told me today that he had sold two more model trains from my collection. This was perfect timing. The sale will pretty much pay for the dishwasher. It's taken about three years to liquidate half of the collection. Model railroading isn't as popular as it used to be either. I may have to put this collection in my will. It's doubtful that the entire collection will ever be sold. It's a nice surprise when something does sell though. I was certainly surprised today.

We had a change in plans and didn't visit the rescue Dalmatians after all. I ended up going to the gym instead. It's nice to have this option as the days grow warmer. It was definitely too hot to go walking in the park this afternoon. It was too hot to give Dawn an afternoon walk as well. Our sunrise walk with Dawn was fine, but even then you could tell that the day wasn't going to be pleasant. I'm glad they've opened up the basketball court at the gym again. Shooting baskets is a lot more fun than lifting weights or walking around the oval indoor track. I should go to the gym more often, but with five dollar gas it could get expensive. 

I found the Havahart live trap, cleaned it up, and made sure it still worked. I baited it with Cheddar cheese and placed it in the atrium. Hopefully I will catch the rat, but I'm not very hopeful. This trap has failed to catch rats before. The neighbor's cats actually did a much better job of keeping the rats and mice at bay. I still can't figure out how an animal can get into this space. It is basically in the middle of the house, enclosed on three sides by brick and glass, with screen wire wall on the fourth side facing the back yard. I'm not worried about the rat getting into the house. With a broken sliding glass door, it takes a lot of effort for me to get into the atrium myself.

I was trying to find a carpenter I used to use when we first bought the house. He was very good. I couldn't find him on Facebook and the old phone number I had didn't work. I don't know why I was surprised. It's been thirty years since I used this guy. I think he was older than me too. He might not even be alive anymore. I used to have a really good list of suppliers that I could depend on for almost anything. They're all gone now. One or two people were successful enough to start companies that are still in business today,  but they don't come out to the house anymore. It's hard for me to relate to the younger generation that has replaced these people. For the most part, they don't understand old houses either.

I had something I really needed to do tomorrow but I've already forgotten what it is. It happens a lot. Maybe I'll remember. If not, I'll eat my shredded wheat for breakfast, take my long walk, and see how many things I can postpone until another day.

Wendy is today's Dalmatian of the Day

Watch of the Day