The dogs certainly noticed the change in the weather. I could have walked them twice as far if I'd had the time. They were both full of energy and pulling and tugging at their leashes like they normally do in cooler weather. All the dogs in obedience class tonight seemed to feel the same way. It certainly wasn't cold outside, but 75 degrees is a lot nicer than 105 degrees.
I still haven't called anyone on my new iPhone, but I did go to Fry's and get one of those silicon skins for it today. I probably ought to start taking the phone with me when I go places, since that's the whole point of having a cell phone. I find myself conflicted about cell phones. I love the technology. I just don't like talking. I certainly don't want to start talking on the phone while I'm walking the dogs. The walks are the most peaceful part of my day. I don't like to talk on the phone while I'm driving either, because it 's getting way too close to multi-tasking for my taste. You know how I feel about multi-tasking. I'll probably end up using the phone as a one way communications device, just like I did years ago when I had one of those brick like Oki-900 phones. I just left that phone turned off most of the time. I always liked the idea of being able to call someone in an emergency, but felt no need to be in constant contact with the world. I've probably lost some business over the years by not being available 24/7, but enough is enough. I still think that checking my messages once a day and returning the calls the next morning should be responsive enough for anyone.
Wouldn't it be nice if Fall came early this year? I love this cooler weather. If this early cool spell we're having continues a few more days, I might even get caught up on things again. I'm just like the dogs. Heat makes me lethargic.
Dalmatian of the Day | Watch of the Day |