Dot won first prize in the "Most Catlike" category at our annual training class Halloween Party tonight. I tried to get a picture of her, but she wouldn't stay still. Unfortunately, Dash didn't win in the "Funniest" category, even thought he was pretty funny doing his usual hopping and dancing around in a Hula dancer costume. I thought Dash should have won something, because he actually did look like a Hula dancer with his butt waggling around most of the evening. Dot got a PetSmart gift card for her efforts, while Dash got nothing at all. Like Heidi Klum always says on Project Runway, "one day you're in and the next day you're out." Hopefully, Dash didn't get as bent out of shape about losing as I did about the precipitous drop in my Klout score. You can't depend on anything these days.
I thought I'd have some time to practice using Avid Media Composer today, but no such luck. By the time I finished my website updates and articles, the day was over. Maybe I wasted too much time making French Toast this morning
Pearl is today's Dalmatian of the Day | Watch of the Day |