I did manage to get the October invoices out and in the mail today. I also finished a writing assignment that I had promised would be done by this evening. That was about it though. After those two things, it was time to head up North for my Wednesday physical therapy session.
Although the physical therapy is really helping my neck, it is also contributing to my inability to get things done as efficiently as I used to. Every time I go to a session, they seem to add another exercise they want me to do at home. Today, they added some free weight exercises to the isometric and resistance exercises I am already doing. I don't have time for all these exercises. I didn't even get the water off the roof today.
I had almost forgotten about the inauspicious nature of today's post being number 666 when I got a call from Janet on my way home from physical therapy. She said she had been having some trouble breathing today and was going to stop by Baylor on the way home from work. Stopping by Baylor instead of our regular doctor meant she was going to the emergency room. I was superstitiously worried for a while and then a few hours later I heard her car in the driveway. After a steroid shot, chest X-rays and some other tests, it appears everything is going to be fine.
Kuuipo is today's Dalmatian of the Day | Watch of the Day |