Friday, February 26, 2021

Day 4082

I got a haircut today. Haircuts have been few and far between since Covid arrived on the scene, but eventually you look in the mirror and realize it's time. I never really thought that getting a haircut was dangerous. With little to do and no place to go, it just doesn't seem worth the trouble. I look more presentable now, but there's still little to do and no place to go. Hopefully, that will change in the near future. Whenever I've been out in public lately, the topic of conversation seems to be the vaccine. Everyone asks whether you've gotten your shot yet. A surprising number of people have. I know quite a few people who have already finished with their second vaccination. My stylist and I compared notes about getting vaccinated. I had no reaction whatsoever and she felt sick for a day. Both of us hoped that after our second shot that we could begin to return to a more normal life.

It must have rained a lot last night because the water level in the lake appeared to be almost a foot higher than it was yesterday. The rain was largely over by the time we got up this morning, so we were able to take our walks as usual. I got the pumps running before breakfast and was glad I had removed all those leaves yesterday. Dawn was eager for her walk, but didn't feel like going the extra mile today. I didn't really feel like going the extra mile either, but I continued walking. Walking eats up a lot of time and that's good.

When I was driving home from my hair appointment today I noticed a mobile document shredding truck next to me at a stop light. This reminded me that I really need to get serious about getting rid of old documents at my storage warehouse. I should have taken a picture of the truck with my phone, because I've already forgotten the name of the company. If I could get rid of all the useless documents I've saved, I could probably get by with a storage warehouse half the size of my current one. I need to do this because the storage warehouse keeps raising my rates every year. If it wasn't so much trouble, I could probably go back to my old storage warehouse as a new customer and get a great rate again. That's how storage warehouses work. You start out with a decent rate and then it goes up dramatically year after year. 

I can't believe there are still people in the Dallas area without running water. Evidently there were so many  broken pipes during the big freeze that plumbers haven't been able to catch up yet. Apparently apartment buildings fared worse than single family homes. I'm so glad that we didn't have water problems during the storm. We've had serious water problems before and they are the worst. You really feel helpless when water is seeping out of a wall and you're not even sure what is behind the sheetrock. Let's hope that Spring is just around the corner. I think everyone in town is tired of Winter by now.

Janet and I got a reminder that our second Covid shots are next week. I'll be glad when I can put this all behind me. Somehow, I have a feeling that we'll be taking Covid shots every year for the rest of our lives. That's OK if everything just opens up again. I haven't really minded the isolation, but I would like to travel. When you travel, you don't have to think about storage warehouses and water leaks. I'm hoping that by late April I'll be able to start attending launches again.

That's all in the future though. Tomorrow is just another grocery day. The stores are well stocked now, but I need to stop thinking about food. Even with my long walks I'm starting to gain weight.

Bingo is today's Dalmatian of the Day
Watch of the Day