Dawn seemed tired on her walk because it was a lot warmer at 11 AM. We're going to have to continue walking very early. Like all of our Dalmatians, Dawn really doesn't like the heat. She will drink water from a bottle though, which is something that Dot and Dash never learned to do. We'll go back to walking early again tomorrow morning. It just seems to work better.
I discovered recently that one of the astronomers I met at McDonald Observatory has an amazing Instagram account. I guess I knew he was into astrophotography, but I never realized his images were so amazingly beautiful. I wrote the guy to complement him on his photography skills and also mentioned that my article about observing with him at one of the large telescopes was going to be published in Sky and Telescope. We made plans to get together again at the observatory when life returns to normal. Lord knows when that will be though. He didn't think that the observatory would reopen to the public until later in the Fall at the earliest.
I'm disappointed that the response to the pandemic has become almost completely political. That didn't take long. Each side has staked out their positions and both seem to have valid points. Unfortunately, there seems little room for compromise. The longer this drags out, the more entrenched each side becomes. It seems almost impossible to find out what is really going on. There are powerful forces at work here. I don't care what you believe. You are being manipulated. We should be united like our parents and grandparents were during World War II. It's not happening though. When this is over, we will be more divided than we were before.
I grew up during the cold war. Our adversary was the Russians and our anger as a country was directed outward. Almost everything we did, including landing on the moon in 1969, was focused on beating, humiliating, or bankrupting the Russians. Without the cold war, we probably wouldn't have even gone to the moon.
Perhaps it was for the best that we directed our anger outwards in those days. We are an angry people. We always have been. Today we have directed this anger inward and it is destroying a great country. We are literally cannibalizing everything our parents worked so hard to create. The Russians and especially the Chinese must be laughing at us now. If our self-destructive behavior continues, they will achieve the world domination they want without having to lift a finger. If you like conspiracy theories, it is pretty plausible to believe that the Chinese unleashed this virus on purpose, knowing full well what would happen next.
I'm still waiting on a FedEx package. I don't think it is going to come today. In the grand scheme of things this isn't a big deal. Waiting for the package will give me something to do tomorrow.
Patches is today's Dalmatian of the Day |
Watch of the Day |