We ordered some medicine for Dawn recently. When Amazon Prime left their proof of delivery photo, it wasn't even our house. It wasn't either of our neighbor's houses either. I have no idea where this package was actually delivered. You'd think that Amazon would have sent the driver back to retrieve the package while he was still in the area and redeliver it. Nope. Janet had to cancel the order and get a refund. UPS is still the best with deliveries. Amazon and Fedex, not so much.
I'm still not hungry for my morning smoothie. This seems so strange to me, since I've been drinking this concoction for breakfast for years. Maybe the desire for a liquid breakfast will return, or maybe not. I always thought my smoothie was very healthy, but it turns out that it contains too much fat and way too much sugar. Who knows if shredded wheat and fruit is much better? It will have to do for now. I don't even like the smell of a fried egg in the morning and oatmeal doesn't sound so good either.
I wish I could trust Dawn without the cone when I take my morning walk. She really doesn't like it. Her paws look so good now that I just don't want to risk going back to square one. I guess the cone is OK. I check on her with the petcam occasionally while I'm walking and she's just sleeping. Dawn is more than welcome to go walking with me, but she's decided that one mile early in the morning is all the walk she needs. We were able to take a sunset walk with Dawn this evening though. Did I mention that the weather was quite nice today?
I think our lake needs to be dredged again. There is a small bay near where I always see the geese that has become completely dry. I wish this lake had crystalline waters and colorful stone beaches like Flathead Lake in Montana, but I'll have to settle for murky water and snakes instead. At least it's a real lake in the middle of a city. It would be hard to find a better place to walk a dog.
I'm really starting to miss my time out at the observatory. I'm not up for a long drive yet, but I bet I will be next month. I'm looking forward to volunteer opportunities again. I wish I had enough faith in my own car to drive it to West Texas. I could save a lot of money in rental cars if I just took my own. I just want to make sure I'm really healthy before I embark on another long trip. I'm a cautious person anyway, but my surprise hospital stay has made me even more cautious.
I wish Dawn would be a little less cautious. She needs to be a little more adventurous on her walks. Maybe I'm a bad role model. I don't think I've been adventurous at all this year.
Bailey is today's Dalmatian of the Day |
Watch of the Day |