While we were up on the roof, we located a few more areas where water had gotten under the supposedly impenetrable silicon coating. Since the repair job seems to be growing by the day, the crew did what any workers would do. They called their boss. Hopefully someone with the authority to approve more extensive repairs will come out tomorrow. I kept reminding the guys that there are thunderstorms in the forecast for next week. I'd like to think my roof is a high priority for these guys, but I doubt it. There's always someone else with an even bigger problem.
Oddly, the other roofers I contacted to give me a bid for completely replacing the roof haven't showed up either. I have a feeling that all roofers are the same. They are completely dependent on the weather and most of them have more jobs than they can handle.
Although the weather was nice, it sure was windy. For the most part I like the wind because it blows the leaves off the roof. Today's wind was a bit excessive though. It blew some of the roof off the greenhouse. The greenhouse needs repairs even more than the house, but it is a relatively low priority. Neither Janet or I have a green thumb. We quit trying to grow plants in the greenhouse years ago. Now it is mostly just a big shed to store broken lawnmowers and tillers.
Dash has stopped waking up when it is time for him to poop at night. As recently as two months ago, he would wake me up around 4:30 AM and we would both race to the back door. Now, he just poops in his sleep. It's almost become a nightly occurrence. If I wake up to go to the bathroom, I always check to see if there is a pile of poop near his tail. Usually there is. I've developed a technique for picking the stuff up without waking Dash or making a mess on his blanket. When I'm successful, I can just go back to bed and postpone changing the soiled blanket until morning. If Dash has strayed off his blanket during the night, all bets are off though. Occasionally I'm faced with a huge mess.
Tomorrow I get the dryer fixed. The appliance repairman is much more reliable than the roofers, so I think there is a good chance of success. I've already called in part numbers, so hopefully the parts we need will already be on the truck. It will be a relief not to hear the irritating high pitched squealing noise anymore, especially since I'm doing laundry every single day. Dash has turned our home into a laundromat.
The only bad thing about getting the dryer fixed tomorrow is that I won't be able to go out for breakfast. We're completely out of fresh fruit, but pancakes sound good. I'll make pancakes and sausages. On that optimistic note, I'm going to take the trash out to the curb and call it a day.
Lexi is today's Dalmatian of the Day![]() |
Watch of the Day![]() |