I did manage to get some work done today, but I don't think I'm ever going to get caught up completely. With tax season approaching again, I'm going to have to spend a considerable amount of time unraveling the mess I've created with my shoddy bookkeeping habits. The information is all there. It's just not in the same place yet.
After two visits to doggie doctors this week, I need to make a third visit to one of my own doctors tomorrow. Supposedly, I will learn whether I really need that MRI or not. I wish I'd learned this information last December when I'd already met my insurance deductible, but that's just the way it goes. I discovered a long time ago that the world doesn't exactly run on my timetable. I still can't decide whether to try to postpone the MRI until I've met my deductible for this year, or just let the imaging be the thing that meets the deductible for other stuff that I'm sure to need later in the year. There's always the chance that I won't even get a choice too. Sometimes doctors completely ignore what I'm thinking.
I need to decide whether to go to a meeting, or go to dog class tomorrow evening. Hmmm. That was easy. I'm going to dog class.
Murphy is today's Dalmatian of the Day![]() | Watch of the Day![]() |