When I turned the computer on this morning, I noticed that the clock had reset itself to 1969. Whenever this happens, it often means that the lithium PRAM battery on the motherboard has gone dead. I just replaced this battery last week however, so that probably isn't the problem. I like to think I know a lot about computers, but whenever I try to fix things myself, I usually just end up making matters worse. Truthfully, I probably don't know any more about fixing computers than I do about fixing roof leaks. Maybe I'll just leave the computer on instead of turning it off at night, since the problem only appears when I boot up the computer in the morning. Some people say that the hard drives will last longer if you never turn the computer off anyway. One thing is certain though. Whatever I do will end up being the wrong thing. I have a feeling that everything will be fine until then next time I'm two hours away from an important deadline. That's when the computer will choose to die.
I need to start getting more sleep. I seem to walk around perpetually tired these days. When I woke up this morning, I didn't want to get out of bed at all. I could have easily slept another two hours, but the dogs had other ideas. Their little internal clocks are so finely tuned that I probably don't even need the watches I wear or the clock on my computer. If I'm even five minutes late in fixing their breakfast, they both start barking and pestering me until I get back on schedule again. Of course, once they've been fed and had their walk, they go straight back to sleep again. Now, that's the kind of life I'd like to lead.
Dalmatian of the Day | Watch of the Day |