I don't think my bank is ever going to reopen. I went to the drive thru today to make a deposit and ended up at a window that wasn't working. I had to circle around and try a different window. I still can't bring myself to use the bank's phone app to photograph checks and make deposits electronically. I'm very suspicious of my phone. I basically only use it to take photographs and check the weather.
My desktop computer is much more secure, but I'm even suspicious of that. I was paying a phone bill electronically today and noticed a suspicious phone number on my profile. I called the company to find out if I'd been hacked or my account had been compromised, but while I was sitting on hold waiting to talk to somebody, it occurred to be that the weird phone number might actually belong to my iPad. Yep. It was my own phone number I was worried about. I hung up before I embarrassed myself talking to a service representative.
We've been getting up really early to walk Dawn before the weather gets too hot. I'm always surprised at how many cyclists are out this early. There must be a lot of people who routinely exercise before they go to work. The park is pretty busy during the first hour of our walk and then the trails thin out again. By the time we returned home around 8:30 AM, the park was practically empty. Early morning exercise must signal that Dallas is returning to work. The roads certainly look that way. Morning rush hour in our part of town is just as bad as it ever was.
Janet's gym is open again, but mine is not. My gym hasn't even announced a date for reopening yet. I wonder who decides these things? I guess it's just as well that my gym hasn't reopened. I'm not sure I'm ready to go back to a gym anyway. Maybe the long walks are better anyway. Five miles in the morning and another three miles in the afternoon is probably all the exercise I need.
It takes a lot of patience not to bother the editors at Sky and Telescope and SpaceFlight Magazine and continually ask when my articles are going to appear. I need to just start writing new articles, but my interests are limited. I used to think that writing the blog kept me in practice for more serious writing, but I'm not so sure anymore. I'm just treading water here.
Abby is today's Dalmatian of the Day |
Watch of the Day |