Today was probably the most uneventful day this week. I didn't attempt any outdoor projects because it always looked like it was just about to rain. I was expecting a UPS delivery today, but I'm still waiting for the truck. I'm the very last street on the driver's route and if it's been a busy day the driver sometimes doesn't bother to stop. The website can say 'out for delivery" all day long and then eventually I'll get some sort of delivery exception e-mail saying I wasn't home or something. Hey, I've been home all day except for a few short walks. Not that it matters. I have absolutely no control over these things.
Accepting things you can't control is difficult. I'm learning though. I can't control the weather, the state of the world, the stock market, or even Dawn's opinion of me. It's all good though. I learned a long time ago that trying to swim upstream was a wasted effort. Go with the flow. Make the best of things. If life gets you down, take a nap.
The park was pretty empty today. Maybe everyone else thought it was going to rain too. I can't believe how green everything is this year. This is the wettest Spring I can remember and the plants seem to love it. The park looks great this year. Even our yard is looking pretty good. The grass seed that Janet sprinkled over some bare areas in the back yard is actually starting to grow. This almost never happens. I hope this doesn't mean we are going to have a hot, dry Summer but it probably does. We never get rain in the Summer.
There have been so many launches at Kennedy Space Center this year that it's making me crazy to see all the other launch photographers photos on an almost daily basis. I should be down there with them. I don't think it's going to happen though. NASA seems to have forgotten about me and I'm beginning to think SpaceFlight Magazine has too. It's been oddly silent on both fronts. Oh, well. If it's meant to be, it's meant to be. I have made an effort to stay in the loop. That's all I can do.
The mosquitos are terrible this year. We have tried several remedies, but none of them seem to work. I usually spray the ground cover with a mosquito repellent, but it has been so wet lately that the rain would just wash the repellent away. Our latest effort is a little burner that look a bit like an incense burner. The pellets that make the smoke that is supposed to drive the mosquitos away won't stay lit though. I got bit by mosquitos trying to fix the thing this morning.
I need to go to Home Depot tomorrow and look for a saw blade that will actually cut through the dead Photinia trees. I also need to buy some more duct tape. Duct tape is my solution for everything these days. I need to get groceries tomorrow as well. Hopefully I can run these errands without getting caught in the rain
The UPS driver actually did deliver my package a few minutes ago. He was very late and probably very tired as well. I don't think this would be a job I would like at all.
Daisy is today's Dalmatian of the Day |
Watch of the Day |