Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Day 4982

It was surprisingly cool this morning. When we left the house to take our sunrise walk it was only 75 degrees. It was so pleasant outside that I thought seriously about walking in the park later in the day. Then the sun came up. As soon as the sun hit my face I knew this illusion of Fall wasn't going to last long.

I didn't do much today. I was supposed to hear whether I got accepted to the OSIRIS-REx sample return event at John Space Center, but nothing came in the mail. I'm getting closer to attempting to repair the damaged sheetrock in the living room ceiling myself, but it's still looking like a task to avoid. It's kind of amazing that the days still go quickly. On days like this it feels like I do literally nothing at all.

Of course I still make the bed, have my shredded wheat and fruit for breakfast and go to the gym. These things seem automatic now. At many points during the day I find myself thinking "didn't I just do this yesterday." Maybe it was always this way. Nostalgia is kind of tricky. I think we all have a way of making the past seem more exciting than it actually was.

At the gym everyone walks around the indoor track clockwise on odd days and counterclockwise on even days. This has always seemed strange to me but I've never questioned it. Wouldn't it be easier to just keep the direction the same? I've gotten in the habit of adding up the distance I've traveled in my head. I'm getting pretty good at this, but still lose count of my laps from time to time. I sometimes lose count of how many free throws I've completed on the basketball court as well. I ought to pay more attention to what the trainers are doing. I could probably pick up some good tips without having to hire a trainer myself. There are lots of televisions at the gym. When I'm going clockwise on the track I watch what's happening on the Food Network. When I'm going counterclockwise I watch what happening on Animal Planet. It's all pretty boring. I think I just do this because I'm addicted to getting my Fitbit steps.

When I come home I let Dawn outside to pee and then I make a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch. Occasionally I wonder why I'm not doing more. I always hear people talks about how they are passionate about this or that. I've never felt this way. Hey, dispassionate is a fine word that doesn't get used a lot. Isn't being calm, rational, and impartial a good thing?

I think it is kind of weird that I'm running out of things to say at the exact same time as I'm approaching my blogging goal. Did I know this was going to happen all those years ago? I often wonder why I picked 5000 days in the first place? Maybe this was just meant to be. The way I'm feeling now, I don't think I could possible keep writing for 6000 days.

I think it's still going to be cooler tomorrow. That's a good thing. Maybe Dawn will finally get to go to her training class again. For the past month it has been too hot for Dawn to go to the Wednesday evening class. We'll see what happens. I'm not expecting any surprises.

Freckles is today's Dalmatian of the Day

Watch of the Day

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