Friday, January 15, 2010

Day 31

It felt like I spent my entire day paying bills. Quarterly taxes are due on January 15. So are the monthly homeowner's association dues for my still vacant rent property. Then, there is the Visa bill, the Mastercard bill, the water bill and on and on. Don't even get me started about health insurance. My monthly health insurance premiums are higher now than my entire salary was when I started working.

Not a very glamorous day. It's raining again. After I cleaned the mud off my own dogs and stopped by the post office to give the IRS everything I made last month, I headed down to the VCA-Loop 12 kennels to repair the Kuranda beds the rescue Dalmatians had destroyed. It's not one of my favorite tasks, since even though the kennel staff says they wash the beds every day, they still reek of dried urine. Kuranda makes the strongest, most durable dog bed out there, but they are no match for a kennel dog with too much time on its hands. Most of the dogs we kennel would be perfectly content to sleep on the sofa all day, like any self-respecting Dalmatian, if they had a real home. They're still waiting though, so they become amazingly creative at destroying their dog beds. It's just boredom. How would you like to stay in a kennel all day?

On a more positive note, I got a call out of the blue this morning from a veterinarian who wondered if I would be interested in designing a website for a new animal hospital he was building. You bet I would!  By this time next month I'm going to have a whole new pile of bills to pay.

Dalmatian of the Day

    Watch of the Day

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