Thursday, April 2, 2020

Day 3752

The park is open again. There was no explanation why it closed yesterday and no explanation why it reopened again this morning. I did notice a few overnight changes in the neighborhood. There were a ton of newly printed no parking signs warning people not to park on city streets or on the grass surrounding the park. This seems like a reasonable solution for reducing park traffic to me. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when city leaders were discussing the park last night. I wonder what caused them to abruptly reverse their position?

Banning vehicular traffic seems to be working. Just like Monday and Tuesday, there were very few people in the park this morning. I think today's solution is much better than yesterday's. The people walking their dogs in the neighborhood are happy. The joggers and cyclists are happy. The neighbors who were mad at people parking on their front lawns are probably happy too. I'm sure there are people in other parts of town who aren't happy, but they have their own parks to walk their dogs in. There are hundreds of parks in Dallas.

Maybe now that the city has solved the park problem, they can turn their attention to the fabric store problem. Every time I turn on the television I hear people encouraging us to make our own masks. There are lots of YouTube videos now with detailed instructions on how to make a good, reliable mask. There's only one problem. Our proactive county judge shut down all the fabric stores. Why are fabric stores considered a nonessential business when people are practically begging us to start making our own masks? It doesn't make sense.

I'm glad they haven't shut down the appliance repair shops yet. Our washing machine is working again. I managed to find an excellent repair shop after doing an extensive Google search. The repairman was very knowledgable and had exactly the part I needed. He was very polite, wore gloves, had a mask his wife made, and we both kept our distance. I felt like this was the way things were supposed to work.

I'm tempted to try fixing my computer myself. There are some excellent tutorials on how to replace my hard drive online and I think I could take the 27" iMac apart and successfully put it back together if I worked slowly and carefully. I've certainly got the time. There isn't much else to do these days. I'm actually getting used to working using the external hard drive. Once I master all the new little quirks, I may actually prefer working this way,

Last night was weird. There were two huge possums in the yard when we took Dawn out to pee before we went to bed. Dawn started to chase the possums and then she and the possums both became scared at the same time. The possums both climbed on tree limbs and froze in place. Possums have a habit of faking their own death in order to fend off predators. That's where the phrase playing possum comes from. I couldn't even scare the possums away. They refused to move. When we came back in the house there was a terrible smell. I thought something was on fire and Janet and I nervously searched the entire house looking for something that might be burning. It turned out that a big moth had flown into one of the halogen lamps in the living room and gotten fried.

Nothing weird happened today. All in all, today was a much better day than yesterday.

Miracle is today's Dalmatian of the Day
Watch of the Day

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