Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Day 3757

I keep wanting to say "Y'all are doing it wrong" when I hear all these suggestions about social distancing. I don't think extroverts have a clue about staying apart. Unfortunately, extroverts are making the rules. I actually think I was doing a much better job of keeping my distance before all the restrictions started. When most of the stores are closed, people just congregate at the few remaining open ones. I've never seen Lowes and Home Depot as busy as they are now. Did everyone start a home improvement project at the same time or do they just want to get out of the house?

Social distancing is much easier when you basically don't like people. I've never had a problem staying away from you guys. When you zig, I zag. I do all my shopping when you are at work. I love the gloomy, overcast days at the park when nobody is trying to barbecue or get a suntan. I don't even understand the concept of a virtual cocktail party on Zoom. Real cocktail parties were bad enough. Back when I had to attend parties for work, I would quickly find the host, make a little small talk and then quietly leave when nobody was looking.

You don't need to scream at me on Twitter to "just stay home" in all capital letters. Other than a walk in a nearly empty park with Dawn, I was home all day. I'm almost always home all day. I did get a lot done today. The weather was warm this afternoon so I pulled the big bucket of silicon up on the roof using a rope and made some more repairs. I must be doing a pretty decent job. We've had a lot of rain this Spring and the leak still hasn't returned. When today's repairs dry completely, I'll make another sweep of the roof and look for more weak spots.

Janet and I both washed our cars today, but they never left the driveway. I think one reason that mine was so dirty is that it has been sitting so long. At this time of year, the trees seem to shed a fine yellow powder that gets over everything. I'm not a botanist, but I think the yellow powder must be the  pollen inside the catkins that fall from our Oak trees. This is also the season when the ants and tent caterpillars arrive. I saw a ton of ants on the roof and a lot of them will end up getting trapped in the wet silicon. It serves these pesky ants right for trying to find a way into our kitchen.

I passed my security clearance to get a press pass for the upcoming Crew Dragon launch in late May or early June. I doubt that I'll get final approval for a while though. The folks at Kennedy Space Center are probably still trying to decide if the launch will even happen. I bet the two astronauts are already in quarantine though. NASA definitely doesn't want those two to get the virus. The Crew Dragon launch and the Mars 2020 Lander are still on schedule. Just about everything else at NASA has been put on hold. We'll see what happens. I'd still like to go cover this launch.

Tomorrow is Wednesday for those of you who have forgotten what day it is. It's easy to do. Like many of you, I need a project. Maybe I'll finally start uploading a bunch of new pictures to my Shutterstock account. Stock photography is a good way to make money even if you are confined to your house.

Molly is today's Dalmatian of the Day
Watch of the Day

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