Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Day 3863

Dawn is getting better at riding in the car, but she definitely doesn't like going to the vet. She was shivering and shaking during our entire visit this morning. There was certainly nothing to be afraid of. She just got a Bordetella shot and we took in a urine sample for analysis. We were in and out in fifteen minutes. Dawn certainly has some bad memories about going to the vet. We'll never know what they are unfortunately. Some things about a rescue dog's past are never known.

Since Dawn had a traumatic morning, we stopped and got ice cream cones on the way home. That seemed to do the trick. Like most dogs, she loves ice cream. By the time we returned home, our little prima donna was completely back to normal.

There was rain in the forecast again today, but for the second day in a row it never appeared. There was a lot of cloud cover, which helped keep things bearable on our walk this morning. It also helped that we got an early start. We were able to complete our full five miles and even finish breakfast before our vet appointment.

For a while this afternoon I thought the skies might clear. I began making plans to search for the comet again tonight, but before I could even decide on what gear to take, the clouds returned. Time is running out to photograph this comet. It's getting a little dimmer every day. If I was braver, I would have planned a camping trip to an area with dark skies. Unfortunately, I don't like to camp and I'm wary about spending the night alone in the middle of nowhere. I have a real fear of snakes. Under normal circumstances a lot of local astronomy groups would have planned star parties to view the comet under favorable dark sky conditions. Star parties appear to be out for the rest of the year however. They are being canceled left and right.

I just applied for press credentials to attend the second crewed mission to the International Space Station in September. I don't think my chances are good however. The application form stated that Covid-19 rules were still in effect at Kennedy Space Center and that press participation would be extremely limited. I don't think the little British magazine I write for is even on NASA's radar these days. You've got to keep trying though. I keep applying for every launch opportunity. Who knows. Maybe the virus will have started to die out by September.

I'm trying to think of something interesting to do tomorrow. My options appear to be limited. I don't feel like cleaning and straightening things around the house. It's too hot for yard work. There seems to be little point in making travel plans. I don't even feel like buying new gear. Maybe I'm just making excuses, but I think the pandemic is wearing me down. If an antisocial person like me is starting to feel hemmed in, I can only imagine what social people are feeling. This is not the way the world is supposed to work.

Maybe if I go to bed early, it will be easier to get up at the crack of dawn tomorrow. Got to keep walking. I think I'll go outside one last time tonight and see if the clouds have cleared. Oddly, I still believe that things can change.

Pongo is today's Dalmatian of the Day
Watch of the Day

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