Monday, November 2, 2020

Day 3966

We thought we'd be visiting two dogs at the kennel today, but only Charlie was there to greet us. Colt is at the vet. The kennel staff told us he started throwing up at night a few days ago, so he's under observation now. This could be something as simple as drinking water too fast, or it could be a sign of something more serious. Since Colt is new and the rescue group doesn't know everything about his past, it's better to be safe than sorry. Colt is getting new blood work and will remain under observation until the vet can determine what is going on. Hopefully, he will be feeling better when we visit next week.

Dawn is definitely feeling better these days. She seems to love the Fall weather. It was hard to get her out of bed when we had to walk before sunrise in the Summer, but she's getting us out of bed now. I suspect that part of this is the time change. Dogs definitely don't understand setting the clocks back in the morning. From her perspective, all the time change means is that breakfast is late. She's ready for dinner at 4 PM as well. I"m sure she'll get used to the new schedule, but right now she just thinks we're ignoring her.

We had a great walk this morning. The weather has been perfect lately. The temperature is in the mid fifties when we wake up and seldom gets above seventy later in the day. Dawn has a lot more energy on these cool mornings. Although it is clear she likes the weather, I think she is feeling better than she was before her seizure as well. Her condition had probably been deteriorating for a while, but the changes were too subtle for us to notice. The treatment the vet prescribed worked. I hope it keeps her healthy for a long time.

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow and they wanted me to do the check-in paperwork online. It will save time, they said. Maybe this saved time for them, but not for me. They seemed to have added a ton of new questions to the check-in procedure. I usually answer "on file" or "don't know" to many of these questions when they ask me at the office. I had no excuse today. I had to look all the answers up. I doubt that doctors even read these forms, because they ask me the same questions all over again during my exam. I wish that the online form had allowed me to save a copy. I'm sure I'll be asked these same questions again the next time I visit. The medical profession just isn't very efficient. I do like my doctors. I just don't like all the red tape surrounding a visit.

I was hoping to receive the official media schedule for the Crew-1 launch from NASA today. Nope. I haven't heard anything yet. This isn't unusual, but I sure wish I could go ahead and make travel arrangements. I hate to make reservations before a schedule has been finalized because I inevitably have to change them later. Schedules change frequently too. This is one reason why these trips can get expensive. You can never take advantage of any plan-ahead bargains.

I still can't decide what to do about the dehumidifier. Do I get another like the one we have currently, or do I try a new brand? Our first dehumidifier lasted over five years, but the replacement is already starting to fail in less than two years. Clearly quality has deteriorated. One of the reasons I chose the first dehumidifier was that it was still made in the USA. The replacement looks the same, but I think it is made in China now. I may go to Lowes tomorrow and see what is available locally. You can't tell how long something will last by looking at it on a shelf, but at least you can get an idea about the build quality. I may go shopping for a new carry-on bag as well. I need something with a pocket for a laptop on the outside. It's as pain to have to open up a full suitcase just so TSA can examine the laptop.

I know now that my gym is only open Monday thru Friday now. Covid rules. This doesn't help me much. I always liked going on Sunday morning.

Wolfgang is today's Dalmatian of the Day

Watch of the Day

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