Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Day 3995

It was below freezing when we woke up this morning, so we revised our schedule a bit. I ate breakfast while Janet went to the gym and then we walked Dawn later in the morning after it had warmed up a bit. The temperature went from 30 degrees to 50 degrees fairly quickly, but that's where it stayed. There was a brisk wind today and it felt chilly all day.

I went to the storage warehouse and retrieved the rest of my photo gear this afternoon. I need to remember to avoid the storage facility on the first of the month. It was crowded with apartment people today either moving their stuff in or out of storage. Every time I go to my storage space I realize that there's not much of value there anymore. I really need to clean the place out. It's just so much trouble though. It's almost worth the rental fee just to be able to temporarily forget about this stuff.

I made an appointment with my HVAC guy to have them come out and give me a diagnostic report on my old dehumidifier. It will be interesting to see what they do tomorrow. The little portable unit is almost impossible to disassemble and they'd have to sit and watch the unit all day to see the problems I've observed. The filters are clean. The dehumidifier doesn't operate in a cold environment. I'm hoping that the HVAC guys will decide that a low refrigerant level is the only logical explanation for the defrost cycle coming on all the time. If there's something wrong with the compressor I get a new dehumidifier. If it's something else, I'm stuck with the repair bill. 

I renewed the domain registration for sealander.tv today. Back when my company was doing corporate videos and commercials I thought that this would be a good domain name for me. I've never ever used the domain, but I keep paying for it every year. I've registered several other domains that I'll probably never use as well. I not only have physical clutter piling up in the storage warehouse, I have virtual clutter piling up off in the cloud somewhere. It's hard to turn loose of this stuff. I was a very early adopter of the Internet. Why didn't I register names like cars.com or hotels.com back when nobody was interested in these things? Oh, well. It's a little late now.

Dawn seemed to enjoy walking later in the day. It took us forever to walk four miles because she wanted to stop and smell everything. We always let Dawn take all the time she needs to smell and investigate things. Hey, it's her walk. If she's feeling adventurous, she can even choose the route we take. I'm not that adventurous myself. When I take my afternoon walk, I always follow exactly the same trail. I often try to remember specific details on certain rocks and trees to keep my memory sharp. Somehow, although I do the same thing day after day, it always seems different. The clouds are different every day. I see different birds and animals each day. Today, there was a fierce wind. That was certainly different.

It's supposed to start raining again tonight. This means that I'll have to deal with water on the roof again and Dawn probably won't get her morning walk. Unfortunately, there's not much I can do about the weather. The probability of rain is quite high tomorrow, but things look pretty good after that. I definitely don't want a White Christmas. I'd rather have a gentle breeze, temperatures in the 70's, and clear sunny skies.

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