Saturday, December 19, 2020

Day 4013

My new shoes are a success. I wore them for the first time on our morning walk with Dawn and experienced considerably less foot pain. There are still a few aches and pains, but what a difference. My late afternoon walk was even better. Usually by this time of day my feet are wrecked, but I was able to walk reasonably normally this afternoon. These shoes weren't cheap, but they are worth every penny. I feel like I have one less problem to worry about.

The broken dehumidifier that Janet dragged out to the curb for bulky trash pickup is already gone. I told Janet that someone would probably take it because it still looks new. Some poor fool probably thinks they scored a real find. It will take weeks for them to discover that the machine is basically worthless. It still turns on and sounds like it is working. All the buttons and displays still function. It just does a terrible job of extracting moisture from the air. Since the machine still extracts a little water from the air every day, the new owner might think that this is the way it is supposed to work. Nope. It's broken. Maybe I'll go get the other broken dehumidifier from the storage warehouse and put it out for big trash day too. Someone will inevitably snag this worthless machine as well. I know how this works because I used to be one of those people who would bring home worthless treasures I found along the side of the road.

Dawn is definitely back to normal. She had lots of energy this morning and we were able to take our full five mile walk. She seemed happy that I was able to walk a little faster as well. Even the dog likes my new shoes. Every morning we see four Muscovy Ducks. These ducks are kind of rare and stand out among the other ducks. Two males and one of the females always hang out together. The other female always seems lost or shy. Sometimes she follows along behind the other Muscovy Ducks. Other times she tries to hang out with the geese. Today we found her with a bunch of little black Coots. I've started to feel sorry for this pitiful little duck. All the other ducks seems to have rejected her. You know you've been walking a long time when the wild animals start to develop personalities. I'd never see all these things if I was just walking on a treadmill at the gym.

It was overcast this morning, but by sunset the sky was completely clear. I was able to see Jupiter and Saturn again. They keep getting closer and closer together. Maybe Monday evening will be clear. There has been such a media buildup about this planetary conjunction that it will be a disappointment if I don't get to see it. My best view tonight came as I was walking from the parking lot to pick up Chinese take out for dinner. I like PF Changs in Northpark, but this was not the best time to visit the mall. The place was packed around dinner time and it was almost impossible to find a parking place. There is such a disconnect between what I see on TV and what I see around town. On television the world is still shut down. In Dallas everything seems normal. Parking lots and restaurants are full. People are going to work and doing lots of shopping. They say hospitals are filling up in Dallas, just like other cities. You'd never know it though. The city seems exactly like it did last Christmas.

The shopping app on my phone didn't work today and I had to check out with a cashier. How old fashioned. I've totally adopted the new normal. I like contactless shopping and online pill payment. The fewer people I need to interact with the better. I don't miss holiday family gatherings at all. I never got along with my own family anyway. I don't really like wearing masks, but I find myself turning into a mask snob. I bite my tongue, wanting to tell other people that their cloth mask is worthless or that they are wearing it wrong. Maybe I'm wearing mine wrong as well. I don't think anyone has really mastered pandemic etiquette yet.

I'm going to try to throw some stuff away at the storage warehouse tomorrow. I'd better take Janet with me or I will just start labeling things and leave all the junk there. There has got to be an easier way to declutter. Getting rid of things still seems foreign to me.

Ranger is today's Dalmatian of the Day

Watch of the Day

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