Monday, January 11, 2021

Day 4036

We went and photographed Cooper, the newest Dalmatian in the rescue program, this afternoon. Cooper is a handsome dog, but was a little nervous around us, so the kennel attendants kept him on a leash. Maybe a good picture will help him find a home. Clyde seems to be adjusting well to kennel life, and Charlie was just Charlie. We spend most of our time at the kennel with Charlie because he really seems to enjoy the time we spend with him. Hopefully, all three of these boys will find their forever homes soon.

The weather was much better today but that didn't seem to impress Dawn much. She wasn't in the mood for walking at all. She likes to smell things in the meadow behind our house, but after five or ten minutes she's ready to go home again. Her world seems to be getting smaller. She just wants to spend her time inside these days. It wasn't always this way and we can't figure out what caused the change.

I picked up some prescriptions at the pharmacy after we returned from the kennel and looked for one of those frames that holds a leaf bag open at Home Depot. I couldn't find anything, but remember having something like this in the past. It's much easier raking leaves when you aren't always struggling with the bag. I guess this means that we are going to try raking the leaves ourselves again this year. We have a ton of leaves, but we also have a lot of time. There was no need to start today. The leaves were still wet from yesterdays rain and snow.

I didn't get started on my long walk until later this afternoon. It was just as well that I waited because it was much warmer than it was this morning. It's kind of amazing to see the wild temperature swings you can get on a sunny day. It was below freezing when I woke up and almost sixty when I took my walk. My new shoes really help on these walks, but they aren't so new anymore. They are already starting to show some wear.

I guess I need to tell my editor at SpaceFlight Magazine that I won't be going to either the Artemis-1 static fire or the Perseverance rover landing at JPL. You can blame Covid for that. It's kind of discouraging that I was just getting established covering these events when Covid restrictions changed everything. It is much harder to get press accreditation these days. I didn't even bother to apply for accreditation out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. California doesn't want visitors these days and even if your visit is considered essential, you have to quarantine on arrival. I think I'll wait.

The vaccine is slowly making its way to Texas, but I think I'll wait until my own doctor gets a supply before I get the shot. I think you can already make an appointment at one of the mass distribution centers, but the last thing I want to do is sit in a car for six hours waiting to arrive at the tents where they vaccinate people. I hate being in a long line off cars. I'm always afraid that my car will stall out or overheat idling for so long. It still seems like the best solution is to just stay away from other people. That's pretty easy for me to do.

We made an appointment to get Dawn's teeth cleaned. She doesn't like going to the vet, but she's got some significant plaque build up on her teeth. It's time. Maybe the vet will have some suggestions about her recent behavior. The refusal to walk really seems to be more of a mental issue than a physical one. Dawn has a few minor medical issues but basically appears to be very healthy.

I have no idea what I'll be doing tomorrow. I wish I hadn't already watched all the new episodes of The Expanse. A little science fiction seems a lot more appealing than going up on the roof or raking leaves.

Pepper is today's Dalmatian of the Day

Watch of the Day

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