Saturday, February 13, 2021

Day 4069

So far, so good. The car started easily this morning. The roads are still dry and I managed to get all my shopping done. The house is toasty warm and there is plenty of food for the rest of the week. That's the good news. The bad news is that there is a 100% chance of snow tomorrow. Forecasts are often wrong, but I have a feeling that it is going to snow.

Dawn wants nothing to do with this cold spell. She still doesn't want to take a walk and races out to the back yard to pee and runs right back to the house again. She's just being practical and smart. Only a fool would want to spend time outside in this weather.

The cold didn't stop Janet and I. We dressed warmly and took our regular long walk. I wore a mask again to keep my face warm, but discovered that it had limitations. When you're cold and walking briskly, you breathe faster. It didn't take long for the inside of my mask to get damp from my breath. As the mask got damp, it became harder to breathe through it. I eventually gave up and took it off. Janet wore a wool scarf and that worked much better.

The lake is already starting to freeze. Several of the small creeks feeding the lake have already frozen. I wonder how long it will take for the entire lake to freeze over? During the entire time we've lived here, the lake has only frozen over once. It was a long time ago, but I distinctly remember people walking out on the lake. The media is calling this a cold wave of historic proportions, but I remember times when things seemed a lot worse. We've had lots of snow, terrible ice storms, and a couple of periods when the entire city shut down. Our own pipes burst once and I think my problems with the roof actually started after a particularly heavy snowfall. Lets hope we don't set any new records. What we've been through in the past was bad enough.

I didn't do much today. A long walk and the usual Saturday errands. That was about it. I'm having a hard time getting motivated these days. My office is littered with the debris from past endeavors, but none of these things interest me anymore. Why do I have all these watch repair tools and books?  What are these dusty model trains? I know there's a guitar here somewhere, but it's buried under other stuff. I'm still interested in rockets, but I'm not going anywhere until Covid is behind us. I'm kind of superstitious and feel like I've used up most of my luck. I've hate to catch the virus now when we are so close to the finish line. There's always the night sky, but I think I'm a fair weather astronomer. On cold, clear nights, the last thing I want to do is go outside.

We'll see what tomorrow brings. According to my phone, it's supposed to start snowing overnight. Estimates range from 3 to 11 inches over the next several days. That's a lot of snow for Dallas. I'd prefer that we get no snow at all, but I don't think I get to choose. Some of our dogs have loved snow, but Dawn doesn't seem to be a fan of winter weather. It will be interesting to see how she reacts to snow. 

We already know how I react to snow. I fantasize about a place where it it is 70 degrees year round and there are no hurricanes, tornados, or snakes. I suspect this place only exists in my dreams. 

Tessa is today's Dalmatian of the Day

Watch of the Day

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