Saturday, April 24, 2021

Day 4139

Whenever I'm grocery shopping on Saturday I always wonder if there is a holiday I've forgotten about. The roads are so crowded and the stores are so full that I'm convinced that something special must be going on. Nope. Nothing to see here. I just live in a city that is growing by leaps and bounds. It took me a while to find everything on my list today. Maybe I ought to do my shopping on a weekday. Unfortunately, it probably wouldn't make any difference. Dallas is always crowded.

I arrived home later than usual and the house was empty. Janet and Dawn had already gone on their walk.  When they returned, Janet told me that Dawn couldn't wait. I did wait a while before taking my own longer walk. I was tired. I used to enjoy shopping. Not anymore. People are rude. Stores are often out of stock of the things I need. And I'm growing tired of wearing a mask.

At least it was a nice day. It was a little humid for my taste, but the weather was warm and I was able to wear shorts and a t-shirt. The park was definitely crowded today. There was a regatta at the lake and the water was filled with small sailboats. The cyclists were out in force and groups of all sizes were having picnics and barbecues. This happens every Spring, but this year it feels a little different. People are emerging from lockdown and there is a definite celebratory mood in the air. I'm not in a party mood myself, but it is nice to see people happy again. I just wish everyone would clean up their mess when they leave the park.

I wore my snake boots while I was running errands this morning to see if they would be uncomfortable to take on my trip to the observatory. Yep. They fit fine but are definitely uncomfortable after a while. Any shoe where the sole bends is uncomfortable now. This is unfortunate because it makes a rather large collection of perfectly good shoes virtually worthless. The only shoe I can wear for an extended length of time are my Hoka Bondi 7's with their ridiculously thick rigid soles. Do I choose comfort or a perceived  but unproven protection from snakes? We'll see. I've still got some time.

I wrote some photographers who attended the Crew-2 launch and asked whether they would share their secrets with me. One guy wrote back and told me that he didn't get his application accepted by NASA either, but the Air Force helped get him on-site. It looks like I'll have to pursue this route in the future. I do have Air Force accreditation for 2021, but I haven't tried to use it yet. When you view a launch from Patrick Air Force Base you can't get as close as you would be if you were watching at the NASA press site, but it's a lot better than watching on the beach somewhere. I'm still hoping that I can find a way to get back in NASA's good graces. They provide interview opportunities and lots of other perks if you manage to get accredited under their auspices.

Janet and I discovered that Dawn will stay in the kitchen with us if we switch chairs at the kitchen counter nook where we often eat. I'm a little further away from Dawn's bowl and dog bed now. Don't ask why we actually want a dog hovering around the table while we eat. Normal people would probably be happy if their dog stayed in the bedroom. We've had Dalmatians for so long now that it doesn't seem right if there aren't dogs underfoot at mealtimes. I'm totally used to dogs waiting for table scraps to fall on the floor while they are drooling on my shoes.

I don't know how much longer I can postpone mowing the front yard. Weeds are already starting to overpower the grass. Maybe I'll give it a try tomorrow. My shoulder and back didn't feel too bad today and the grass isn't going to mow itself.

Sadie is today's Dalmatian of the Day

Watch of the Day

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