Friday, June 25, 2021

Day 4201

I knew it was going to be a hot day when we walked Dawn this morning. I also knew that if I used this as an excuse, I wouldn't get anything done for the rest of the summer. As soon as I finished breakfast, I reluctantly mowed the grass. We have a small yard, but this still seems like a big job. Things have changed a lot over the years. There's a tree in the front yard that seems to have doubled in size. The street is much busier now. I hate mowing down by the curb because cars are wizzing by me at 40 miles an hour. I got the job done though. Both the front and back yard look a lot better now. I even weeded a little garden area near the front porch. I guess I could have done more, but I was hot and tired. I came inside, changed my clothes, and took a nap while I tried to decide what to do next.

By the time I finished the yard it was way too hot to go up on the roof. It's still supposed to rain on Monday, so if I'm going to find what is causing the current leak, I've got to do it this weekend. Maybe the weather will be a little cooler tomorrow. I wish I could think of some more interesting magazine ideas, but I'm coming up with nothing. It's becoming clear that I'm more of a travel writer than a science writer. That's OK, but it's not a good time to go to Florida and I doubt I'll be returning to the observatory until at least October. I did propose a few astrophotography ideas to Sky & Telescope recently, but all I did was embarrass myself. I still know next to nothing about the subject.

Since I didn't feel like cleaning the house, this left me with another trip to the gym. You'd think a gym would be filled with young athletic people, but mine is filled with people even older than me. I guess it's encouraging to see these people still moving around, but it's discouraging to realize that I'm going to become even slower than I already am in the years ahead. I like my gym though. It's large, well equipped, and very cold. You have to work really hard to break into a sweat at this place. I'm more likely to feel like I need a jacket. I'll be glad when cooler weather returns. It's much more enjoyable to walk outdoors than to  work on resistance training and endlessly travel in circles around a small oval running track. 

I'm getting a "service required" message in my car again. It's irritating because I know nothing is wrong. This happens every year around this time if I haven't made an appointment for scheduled maintenance. Last year I convinced the dealership to turn the warning off if I came in for an oil and filter change. I don't think I'll get away with that this year. After two years they're going to want an opportunity to charge me thousands of dollars for things that probably aren't that bad to begin with. If I drove more, I'd make maintenance a higher priority. I don't drive much at all these days and if I am taking a trip I'll almost always rent a car. 

It's time to make a grocery list again. Now, a bag of ice is regularly on my Saturday list. I just can't bring myself to call the appliance repairman yet. Ice is cheap and refrigerator repairs are expensive. We don't use much ice, so a bag of party ice will usually last me two or three weeks. I didn't used to be such a cheapskate, but retirement and living on a fixed income will do that to you.

A friend proposed that I extend my 5000 post goal to 7500 days. Nope. Not going to happen. I'm running out of things to say already.

Shiner is today's Dalmatian of the Day

Watch of the Day

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