Saturday, September 4, 2021

Day 4272

It's weird how quickly things change. It seems like only a few weeks ago that virtually all the stores where I shop had gone back to their pre-pandemic days. Everything seemed normal again. Now there are fresh banners at the entrances requiring a mask to enter the building. I wonder if toilet paper hoarding is going to return? Most stores just got finished scraping up all those 'stay six feet apart' stickers on the floor. Are they going to have to apply new stickers now?

Some people are quick to blame the unvaccinated for the current virus resurgence. I'm not so sure. By any historic standards, the country is actually doing a pretty good job of getting vaccinated. At any rate, the wrong people are getting the blame. It's young people who still feel invincible who are not getting vaccinated. I have almost equal numbers of conservative and liberal friends and I don't know a single person who has resisted getting vaccinated. I do know a lot of people who were quick to travel, go to ball games, and start socializing again as soon as restrictions were lifted. Large groups hanging out together are still the real problem. Throughout this pandemic I've always thought that if more people were antisocial like me, we could have significantly minimized this mess.

I still go to the gym, but my gym is far from crowded. I encounter far fewer people at the gym than I used to walking outdoors in the park. There is the constant smell of disinfectant at the gym and some people seem to spend more time cleaning their machines than they do actually exercising. People have definitely gotten meaner. It's not just people on airplanes either. The other day a guy chewed me out for being in the wrong lane on the track. There were only three people using the track and there are three lanes. Get a life, buddy.

Dawn seemed eager to take a second walk today. We waited until almost sunset and made our one mile loop again. The days are still hot, but sunrise and sunset walks seem fine for everybody. It's nice to see Dawn healthy again. She has virtually stopped licking and biting at her paws and has a lot more energy than she did a month ago. Hopefully, this will continue. I think we are both getting better.

I'm having second thoughts about my 5000 day goal. Why am I even doing this? I've learned how to fill up space on days where nothing happens, but I rarely have anything important to share. I think I'm kidding myself when I say a write to keep my mind sharp. If I've proved anything at all, it's than in an average daily life, very little happens. I bet I could substitute a post from two or three years ago and you'd never even know the difference.

Tomorrow I'll continue proving that very little happens. If it's not too hot, we'll take Dawn for her Sunday outing. Maybe I'll be able to complete the full mile this week. Last week I had to turn around and wait for Dawn and Janet at the car. We'll see. I feel a lot stronger now. I'm not sure if I'll feel like ice cream. If not, Dawn can have my cone.

Domino is today's Dalmatian of the Day

Watch of the Day

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