Sunday, September 19, 2021

Day 4287

I finally mowed the grass today. It was kind of nice having a doctor forbid you from doing something you hated to do anyway. Time to move on though. I'm better now and the yard looked terrible. It was time to mow. I didn't take my normal long walk today, but according to my Fitbit, mowing the grass is better exercise anyway. Fitbit doesn't seem to understand lawnmowers. My tracker always records this activity as riding a bicycle.

Although it got hot later in the day, it was reasonably cool when all our activity took place. We had a nice sunrise walk with Dawn, even though the sun was already up. We get started later on Sunday. After I mowed the grass, we took Dawn on her Sunday outing. For the first time in weeks I was able to keep up with Dawn and Janet. As usual, we all enjoyed an ice cream cone on the way home. I'm really going to have to work on getting back in shape during the weeks and months ahead. I have a feeling that a lot of the weight I lost during my hospital stay was muscle mass.

I received a press proof of my SpaceFlight Magazine article this morning. Wow. That was fast. It finally occurred to me that the November issue was probably almost ready to go to press and they just squeezed my article in at the last minute. The editor did tell me what pages the article would appear on before I even wrote it. I was pleased that they used three of the pictures I sent. One of the pictures was a full page spread and looked pretty dramatic. They changed a few things in the text that I thought were confusing, but British grammar rules are different. At least I've got another article about rockets under my belt. I was afraid that having a new editor might mean that I was done at the magazine. It appears they still like me though, so all is good.

Janet made a pot roast in the slow cooker today and the house smelled good all day. Pot roast is almost a perfect meal to me. The meat is as tender as a good brisket and it's packed full of healthy vegetables. As an added bonus, pot roast doesn't seem to give me heartburn. We ate well tonight and I'll have tasty leftovers for the rest of the week.

I thought that I'd used plenty of bug spray when I watched the launch last week, but it's obvious now that some mosquitos made it through the barrier. Florida mosquitos are much worse than Texas mosquitos. The bites itch more and leave bigger welts. I still cover the bites with clear nail polish, although I think this method only works with chigger bites. Actually Florida mosquitos feel a lot like Texas chiggers.

It's been a busy weekend, but I'm ready for another week to start. We'll probably visit Charlie and Cooper at the Dalmatian kennel tomorrow. A young female Dalmatian came and went while I was in Florida and I never got to see her. The females always seem to get adopted quicker. I don't really have any plans for next week, but that shouldn't be surprising. They say the weather will be dramatically cooler starting Tuesday. Hey, that's something to look forward to.

Rhett is today's Dalmatian of the Day

Watch of the Day

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