Friday, April 1, 2022

Day 4481

It's getting harder to get up in the morning. I'm getting plenty of sleep. I'm just not eager to start a new day. Dawn's early walks actually help make the transition from night to day. After 45 minutes outside, everything starts to seem normal again. It's hard to be in a bad mood when you are following behind a happy dog. Dawn loves her morning walks. I've learned to like them as well.

As expected, I didn't go out for breakfast this morning. I thought about it, but I wasn't that hungry. The thought of driving across town to eat more than I was hungry for made a bowl of shredded wheat sound pretty good. 

After I finished breakfast and completed a few morning chores, I called the hotel where I'm supposed to pick up my press credentials and asked if they really had a Starfish Room. They did. It was a small meeting room so they didn't bother to put it on their website. One more needless worry averted. Now I'm going to have to find something else to fret about.

I had to upgrade all the Apple stuff today. Apparently there was another hacker exploit that needed to be patched. This never used to happen. Back in the day, Apple systems seemed totally immune to hackers and malware. I could go years without worrying about my system becoming compromised. I guess that's the price you pay for becoming popular. I dutifully upgraded my phone, watch, and tablet knowing that I'll probably have to do it again in a few weeks.

Janet does her grocery shopping on Friday and grocery day has become Dawn's favorite day of the week. She gets so excited when bags of food arrive at the house and immediately starts barking for me to open the dog gate. The gate stays closed until all the food is in the house and the front door is closed. Then Dawn runs to the kitchen to supervise while everything is put away. A dog's life is pretty simple. It revolves around food and sleep. Throw in a few walks during the day and you've usually got a happy dog.

The older I get, the more I've started to live like a dog. I get lots of sleep, take naps during the day, and spend more time than I should wondering about what to eat for dinner. I also spend a huge chunk of my day walking. I walk a lot more than Dawn, but otherwise our lives are similar. Maybe this is why I react to traveling the same way Dawn does to riding in the car. Traveling gets me outside my comfort zone. It would be so easy for me to do nothing at all, but I'm convinced that new experiences are important.

My upcoming trip to Kennedy Space Center won't be a completely new experience, but every launch is different. I worry more about plane crashes that I used to and traveling seems excessively expensive now. On the other hand, I enjoy feeling part of the little community of rocket photographers and writers at KSC. Even though I don't go to the space center that often, there are still people who remember me. It's a real job too. I have a story to write and a deadline to meet. Is all this important? It's really hard to say.

Tomorrow is my own grocery day. Dawn doesn't get very excited when I return. That's probably because I usually buy things like paper towels, laundry detergent, toilet paper, and bottled water. Fresh meat and produce probably smells much more exciting to a dog. Maybe I'll look for some Hoka shoes when I'm out and about tomorrow. I"ve been thinking about new shoes for way too long.

Haley is today's Dalmatian of the Day

Watch of the Day

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