Saturday, April 9, 2022

Day 4489

Life has returned to normal. I unpacked my bags, put everything back in its proper place, and did my laundry from the trip. Other than that, today was just like any other Saturday. I got to sleep in a little late this morning, but when I woke up, Dawn was ready to walk. It was a very nice day, but the air feels different here. My allergies typically go away when I'm in Florida and come back as soon as I return. I'm sure it has something to do with the different vegetation we have here, although I'm still not certain what causes these lengthy seasonal allergies. At least the differences in the two states pretty much confirms that that I do have allergies and am not in denial about having a persistent cold or Covid.

I didn't have a big grocery list today, but I did need to get gas for my car. You may wonder why I get gas so frequently if I don't drive much. Just another compulsion. I always like the gas gauge to be on full. Gas seems to have come down in price a little and fresh fruit seemed reasonable as well. I think the strawberries and blueberries are just cheaper because they are back in season though. The price of fruit might not have anything to do with inflation.

I continued writing my article for SpaceFlight Magazine today and am making good progress. If I keep working tomorrow, I should be able to submit everything to the magazine on Monday. It will probably take me longer to edit the pictures than to write the article. I took a lot more pictures than usual this time. When I am taking launch pictures, I'll take a continuous rapid burst of images until the camera image buffer runs out. Somehow I forgot to turn off the burst setting while I was setting up my gear, so every time I took a test picture I ended up taking a dozen pictures instead. At any rate, there is a lot of stuff on the SD card to sort through.

I didn't feel like taking a long walk today. Maybe I overdid it yesterday. My feet were bothering me and it was kind of hot in the afternoon anyway. I just took a short walk around the neighborhood to make sure I got my daily minimum of 10,000 steps. The walk with Dawn this morning was pleasant. By mid-afternoon it was already way too hot.

I still haven't heard anything from the new manager at the Astronomer's Lodge. I wrote about reservations over a week ago and still haven't received a reply. Maybe this is an omen. I still have mixed feelings about making this trip. Driving around in Florida certainly didn't make me eager to take a long road trip. Even though I only drove several hundred miles the entire time I was away, but my shoulders hurt from holding the steering wheel, my but hurt sitting down for long periods of time, and my fingers would go numb if I gripped the steering wheel too tight.  Maybe it was just the car. I think this Chevy Malibu was the worst car I have even rented.

I got take out for dinner this evening and when I got home I discovered that they gave me someone else's meal. You'd think I would have noticed at the restaurant, but I never check to see what is in the bag and seldom even look at my receipt. I just sign the piece of paper and go. When I did look, it turns out that I did pay for what was in the bag. My bill was almost double what it should have been. I guess it was all an honest mistake. The name on the bag did say John. I called the restaurant to let them know that the other John might be angry when he discovered he got my much smaller order. The restaurant offered to refund the difference, but I told them that I was fine with what I got. My mystery meal was much more interesting than what I actually ordered. Maybe I should quit ordering take out and just go to the restaurant and ask if they have anything for John. Janet liked the surprise dinner too. I got the impression that this was the most adventurous thing I'd done in a while.

Livy is today's Dalmatian of the Day

Watch of the Day

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