Thursday, June 9, 2022

Day 4550

I had a memory lapse today and thought I had ordered the wrong dishwasher. For some reason I was convinced that I had ordered a unit with top mounted controls. This was going to be a problem because there is a slight overhand on the top of the kitchen counters that would cover up the controls when the door was closed. I don't know why it took me so long to look at the picture on my phone that I took in the store. What was I thinking? The controls were right on the front of the door like they should be. I guess it was an easy mistake to make. I looked at a lot of dishwashers and they all basically look the same.

I wish the temperature would stay the same as it has been lately when we take Dawn on her sunrise walk. It's pleasant to walk when the temperature is 72 degrees and there is a nice breeze. It's a lot different later in the day when it's 92 degrees under a hot sun. I'm really trying hard to walk earlier now before the temperature becomes unbearable. I started my long walk right after breakfast this morning. It started out well, but I'm slow and it takes me almost two hours to complete my route. By the time I returned home I was hot, sweaty, and wishing I'd gone to the gym instead.

The ants are back. Every June around this time a huge swarm of small ants appears on our front porch. I don't know if they are climbing down from the roof or up from the ground. There are thousands of ants crawling up and down the brick walls of the house. I spray the column with ant spray and the mist inevitably falls back on my head. Most of the ants are dead now, but I'll have to wait a few days to see if they come back. Sometimes it takes two treatments to get rid of them. It's weird that this had happened every June that I can remember. There are usually no ant problems for the rest of the year.

Since I haven't seen the rat in almost a week, I decided to take some leftover potting soil and fill in a hole where I thought it might be getting in the atrium. There used to be a large cactus growing in this area, but it died long ago. If this dirt is disturbed it means the rat is still around. I'm leaving the Havahart trap in place for a few days, but I have a feeling that the rat has moved on.

Since it was an exceptionally slow day I found myself experimenting with the star tracker again. I wanted to make sure that the new attachment I bought would allow me to quickly change the camera from a landscape to a portrait orientation. Everything worked fine, but I still don't have the nerve to install the newest firmware version. I've written the Benro folks in China several times to see if this new update was safe, but communication has always been difficult with these folks. I guess you get what you pay for. Early backers of this project like me received the product for basically half of its eventual retail price.

It was too hot to give Dawn an afternoon walk again. I don't think she cared. Dawn is basically a very lazy dog. Sometimes I envy her lifestyle. She takes a brisk walk early in the morning when it's still cool and then sleeps for the rest of the day. She never misses a meal though. Dawn has a good little internal clock and knows right down to the minute when she is supposed to be fed. As long as a strange noise doesn't upset her, Dawn is a happy camper.

This day is almost over and I've accomplished nothing. The week's trash has been taken to the curb and I'm already wondering what I'm going to do tomorrow. Part of me wants to resume my old breakfast restaurant Friday tradition, but I'm just not very hungry anymore. 

Liberty is today's Dalmatian of the Day

Watch of the Day

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