Sunday, July 31, 2022

Day 4602

We got all the dogs moved to the new kennel this morning. The move went smoothly and everyone seems happy in their new home. All of us thought that Charlie would probably be the hardest to move but he turned out to be the easiest. JoJo, who is usually laid back and calm, was the one who hated to get in the car. The new kennel runs are smaller than what the dogs were used to previously, but they are clean and I think the dogs will be OK. 

There is a nice outdoor yard at the kennel that will be even nicer when the weather cools down. The staff takes each dog out to pee every few hours so they aren't stuck in their kennel runs all day. It took four of us to move the dogs this morning and the staff at the new kennel was very helpful. I thought this move would be a huge ordeal, but it turned out to be fairly easy. I suffered the only mishap when one of the dogs scratched my arm and it started to bleed. I've got to stop taking baby asprin. My skin is thinner now and I bleed easily. I didn't even notice the cut until I looked down at some point and saw dried blood all over my arm. I still don't know which dog scratched me. I didn't feel a thing.

On the way home from the kennel I stopped at Northpark Mall to give mall walking a try. I wish I'd thought of this earlier. It's an enjoyable place to walk a few miles. The stores open at noon on Sunday, but the mall itself opens an hour earlier. If you come at 11 AM there is plenty of parking and no big crowds inside. There were plenty of mall walkers, but the place wasn't as crowded as the park on a typical Sunday. I hadn't been to Northpark in over a year and was surprised at how much the place had changed. There were a ton of new stores and many of the existing stores had moved to new locations. Somebody must still have money in Dallas. There were no low end stores left. The place seems like a climate controlled Rodeo Drive now. As it got closer to noon I began to see lines form in front of some stores. The largest line was at the Apple Store. Some if the restaurants had big crowds as well. When I returned to my car after walking several miles, the parking lots were completely full. I'd have to conclude that shopping is still much more popular than mall walking in Dallas.

Dawn still got her Sunday outing. When we stopped at the Sunday park to let Dawn smell things, she immediately peed next to the car and then wanted to hop back in. She had no interest in being out in the hot sun. She was interested in an ice cream cone though. Dawn is always calmer on the ride home after she's had her ice cream. All the rescue dogs were much better in the car than Dawn is. Dawn wins the prize for worst dog to take on a road trip. All the kennel dogs rode calmly to their new home with no issues at all this morning. Even JoJo rode well after we finally managed to get him in the back seat. He just didn't want to get in the car. This is probably where I got scratched. JoJo is a strong dog.

The rest of the day was uneventful. I thought about upgrading the star tracker, since the new firmware is available now. A nap sounded better though. I'll wait until I'm really bored to mess with the star tracker again. It's hard to believe that it's going to be August tomorrow. Where has this year gone? It looks like August is going to be a busy month for me. I have a dental appointment on Tuesday and several doctors appointments later in the month. I need to get my car safety inspected and I think it's time for an annual maintenance visit as well. The Artemis-1 launch is getting closer too. Honestly, I'd rather take a long nap and have someone wake me up in September. Our extreme weather is really getting old.

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Day 4601

There have been rain clouds around us all day. I even heard thunder at one point. We didn't get a single drop of rain. This was the one day where we might have had a chance. It didn't even get up to a hundred degrees today. Now we return to another never ending string of triple digit days in the weeks ahead.

I got the electric bill today. It was literally double what it was this time last year. Last month was high. This month was a lot higher. This is not good. The cost of everything has gone through the roof. Grocery bills are ridiculous now. So are utility bills, insurance bills, gasoline, and just about everything else. It makes you wonder where all this is going to end. It doesn't help that we are in the middle of an almost unprecedented heat wave. I'm just waiting for water shortages.

Our sunrise walks with Dawn are getting uncomfortably warm. The temperature was in the high eighties this morning and the sun wasn't even up yet. Dawn was panting when we returned home and I was starting to sweat. You really don't expect this before breakfast. I keep hoping that nothing goes wrong with the air conditioner. It could get dangerously hot very quickly.

We had a nice weekend breakfast and then I went to the gym again. More people are wearing masks on the gym floor now. Sign of the times I suspect. I'm getting a lot better on the basketball court. I'd probably get some real exercise if I'd start dribbling and shooting from other points on the court. So far, all I'm doing is shooting free throws from the free throw line. I've got really bad knees though. The last thing I want to do is screw up my knees running around on the basketball court.

I'm walking at a faster pace on the indoor track as well. Practice makes perfect I guess. This is a lot better than walking in the park. They keep my gym really cold. Sometimes I feel like I need a jacket. I won't be able to go to the gym tomorrow since it is closed on Sunday, but I will be busy anyway. Tomorrow is the day we move the rescue Dalmatians to the new kennel. Hopefully the dogs will like their new home. I haven't seen the place yet, but I hear it is a little smaller than the current kennel.

I'm beginning to get apprehensive about my trip to Florida. I'm hearing that up to a million people might converge on Titusville for the Artemis launch. This can't possibly be true, but locals say that this many people used to come to watch the Apollo launches. I am told to expect huge traffic jams on the roads leading to the space center on launch day. Yikes. Maybe I should have gone out to the observatory instead. There certainly aren't many people out there.

I did my grocery shopping earlier today. I should do this more often. There really aren't a lot of people in the stores before 10 AM. There seemed to be a better selection of fruit as well. I don't know how I got such an early start today since I think we actually got up later. Gasoline was the only thing that was less expensive this week. The price drop was probably temporary, but I'll take what I can get. 

I don't know how long it will take us to move the dogs tomorrow, but hopefully Dawn will still get her Sunday outing. There won't be a walk, but there will be ice cream. I'm not sure how I will get my steps tomorrow. I definitely don't want to walk in the park, so I'll probably try mall walking. I always thought that this was something only old people did, but I guess I'm an old person now.

I wish life didn't feel so apocalyptic. I'd like things to return to normal before I completely forget what normal looks like. Tomorrow will be normal though. Dalmatians and ice cream are always good.

Penny is today's Dalmatian of the Day

Watch of the Day

Friday, July 29, 2022

Day 4600

Only 400 days to go. Kind of a strange goal to write something for 5000 consecutive days, but I'm thinking I'm going to be able to do this. We're getting close now. Maybe a few more interesting and unexpected things will happen along the way, but probably not today. I got excited when it looked like we might get some rain this evening, but it missed us again. Still bone dry.

Today really was a lot like yesterday. Our sunrise walk with Dawn was warm but tolerable. My breakfast was boring but easy to fix. I made the bed, checked my messages and headed for the gym. I'm glad I have this option. It's been way too hot lately to take my normal walk in the park. 

Fridays are Dawn's favorite day. Janet does her grocery shopping on Friday morning and Dawn loves to watch as the food is being put away. She's not nearly as interested when I return from the store because I tend to buy the bulk items like laundry detergent and trash bags. Janet buys the sliced turkey which Dawn dearly loves.

I probably should stay at the gym longer. I always walk two or three miles on the indoor track and shoot free throws on the basketball court, but I'm seldom very tired when I'm finished with my workout. I should probably try a little harder to elevate my heart rate. My goal is mostly just to keep moving. Hey, I burn just as many calories as I did walking outdoors and I don't get sunburned. It's hard to argue with that. If I remember, I'm going to try mall walking this Sunday when the gym is closed. I have no desire to walk outdoors again until this heat wave is over.

I practiced using the star tracker again this afternoon. I was going to wait until the new firmware update was released, but boredom intervened. For the first time in ages there were no error messages today. Everything worked perfectly. I try to be consistent but I still can't figure out why I have good days and bad days with this thing. Even if I don't spend a lot of time doing astrophotography with the tracker, it was probably a good investment. It has already provided hours of entertainment. Although frustrating at times, testing the tracker is much more enjoyable than mowing the lawn.

I'm still waiting to hear more about the Artemis-1 launch. I've already made my reservations, but it would be nice to know whether I picked the right days to travel. I've been invited to attend several other launches in the interim, but I can only afford one more trip to Titusville this season. I need to just be patient and wait. Eventually, I'll get a schedule from NASA and I'll be on my way.

Tomorrow I do my share of the grocery shopping. I've got my list ready and expect prices to be higher again. It's probably time to fill the car with gas too. No shredded wheat in the morning. Janet cooks a big breakfast on the weekends.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Day 4599

I took care of a lot of little odds and ends today. Nothing important was accomplished but it was good to cross a few things off my list. The remote for the kitchen TV has been broken for a while. A few weeks ago I found a new unused remote in a box in my office but I couldn't get it to work. Today I remembered that you have to program the thing. This took a while since the cable remote and the kitchen television were old and there were no instruction manuals. I finally got the remote to turn on and off, but then I screwed up the TV and it wasn't picking up the signal from the cable box. It seemed like this whole process was easy when I initially installed everything years ago. I tried looking up information on the Internet but the results were inconclusive. Eventually I got everything working again through trial and error. Hopefully this remote control will last for another ten years. I'm tired of messing with this thing.

I did some laundry, cleaned some stains on the bricks in the kitchen, looked up how to change a few setting on my star tracker camera, and changed the head on my electric toothbrush. I was going to practice with the star tracker again, but decided to wait when I received an e-mail saying that another update would be available this Saturday. I wonder if they are ever going to stop upgrading this thing. I've lost track of how many firmware updates I've already installed.

The day itself was pretty much like yesterday. The sky was clear. The temperature was hot. And I followed the same routine I've been following all summer. We got started a little later on our sunrise walk this morning and you could immediately feel the difference in temperature. We should have started thirty minutes earlier because Dawn wasn't quite as eager to walk. We carry dog treats in our pockets now to get her moving again when she gets stubborn and refuses to move. 

After breakfast I went back to the gym. There weren't many people on the floor today, but the parking garage was still full. I had a good day on the basketball court. I think my hand eye coordination is getting better. I was slower on the indoor track though. Go figure. I am always surprised by exercise inconsistency. My routines are almost always the same, but the results are frequently very different. I didn't feel more tired this morning, but I guess I was. I'll have to check my Fitbit and see how I slept last night.

One of my contacts at Kennedy Space Center said that they expect over 10,000 people to descend on the area for the Artemis launch. The space center will need to charter over 70 busses to move people around. No wonder all the hotels were full. Why am I even going to this launch? I've never liked crowds or complicated logistics. Getting through the checkpoints on launch day is going to be a nightmare. I hope I get a schedule from NASA soon. At this point I don't even know if I made airline reservations for the right days. I always try to minimize my stay to save money, but it would be easier if you had an unlimited budget and arrived early and just stayed until the launch finally took place. I can't do that, so I just cross my fingers and hope that I've picked the right days for my stay.

I keep hoping for rain but the forecast doesn't look promising. It still looks like an endless string of hundred degree days as far as the eye can see. The sad thing is that August is usually even hotter than July here in Dallas. Oh, well. It's not going to be a fun summer. I just hope the air conditioner keeps working. This week has gone quickly. I've watered the back yard and taken this weeks trash to the curb. Tomorrow will probably be a repeat of today.

Queenie is today's Dalmatian of the Day

Watch of the Day

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Day 4598

Another day just like all the other days. If we haven't already set a record for consecutive one hundred degree days, we will soon. We see lots of people in the park on our sunrise walks now. The runners and cyclists have realized that this is the only time during the day when it is still enjoyable to be outdoors. The temperatures don't stay in the mid-80's for long. As soon as the sun comes up, it's off to the races.

I had my usual breakfast of shredded wheat and fruit and then headed straight for the gym. I went earlier than usual today because I knew we were going to visit the rescue Dalmatians in the afternoon. I'm getting better on the basketball court and occasionally can sink five or six baskets in a row. I'm worthless shooting from anywhere other than the free throw line though. No three point shots for me. Maybe I should broaden my horizons and try something new. Never mind. I'm content just shooting free throws.

I tried walking faster on the indoor track today and managed to match my outdoor speed. This was encouraging because I felt exactly the same after walking two miles as I did when walking slower. After getting my Fitbit steps, I spent a little time trying to strengthen my shoulder. Regaining any sort of flexibility won't be easy but it's worth a try. I really want to avoid any type of surgery. There are lots of older people at my gym and I frequently see them going through physical therapy after a knee replacement. No thank you. I'd rather keep the aging joints I already have.

The Dalmatians enjoyed seeing us today. None of them seemed to have their usual energy, but it was understandable since it was so hot. The kennel has air conditioning, but just about everybody's AC system is having trouble keeping things cool in these insanely high temperatures. I'm sure we'll see the dogs again, but this was the last time at this particular kennel. I'm sorry to see things change, but I shouldn't have been surprised. Things always change. You've just got to adapt and move on.

I noticed that Twitter doesn't work on my computer anymore. It now requires a newer browser than I use. I don't really care about Twitter and seldom use it, but this is still a somewhat troubling turn of events. All my computers run older operating systems so I can continue to use my legacy software. I hate the subscription services that Microsoft and Adobe use now and refuse to use them. My older versions of Microsoft Word and Photoshop work just fine. They don't expire or require a subscription either. Now that malware, computer viruses, and hacking has become such a problem, manufactures just don't like dealing with older software. Increasingly, they are refusing to support anything other than their latest releases. This is not good news for me. I have no interest in upgrading my computers, software, or phone again. 

I found a giant spider in the office this evening. I hope it wasn't poisonous. I managed to kill the thing with a fly swatter, but it was troubling to see something like this inside. Where there is one bug there are usually more. I'm seeing more bugs inside this summer. I'm sure it has something to do with the heat. There have even been a few wasps in the living room. They fly in the back door when we let Dawn out. We've got bug spray for every type of bug now. There's one can for ants. Another for spiders. And a third for wasps and hornets. I'd like to live someplace where there were no bugs. I don't know where that would be though. Bugs are everywhere.

Dawn did well at training class tonight and won a ribbon again. I thought it would be to hot for her class, but Janet says it cools down after sunset and there is usually a breeze. All the dogs were fine. Dawn has finally learned to drink water from a water bottle too. Dawn really enjoys this class but I bet she'll enjoy it even more when the weather gets nicer.

I'm sure tomorrow will be very similar to today. I'm surprised that I can find enough to say for a blog post these days.

Deuce is today's Dalmatian of the Day

Watch of the Day

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Day 4597

It was a slow day. The big event of the day was giving Dawn a bath. She likes to roll around in the grass in the back yard and gets dirty incredibly quickly. It was a good time for a bath since we had just cleaned all the bedding on her favorite bed. Like most dogs, Dawn isn't fond of getting a bath, although she always seems to feel better after the ordeal is over. We gave up on bathing our dogs at home years ago and use one of those self-bathing places. It is much easier to bathe a large dog on one of those large raised tubs. After a bath and a nail trim, Dawn is good for another month. Sometimes I wish I only needed one bath a month. I've grown to hate getting wet

The day started as usual with a sunrise walk with Dawn. It was nice this morning. The humidity was low and there was a gentle breeze. It was so pleasant outside that I thought seriously about taking a walk in the park instead of going to the gym. That didn't last long. When I went outside to check on the weather after breakfast, it was already too hot. In just one hour the temperature had already gone up over six degrees.

Before going to the gym I wrote a NASA contact with some questions about the upcoming Artemis-1 launch. I was amazed that I got an answer later the same day. Although the trip is still over a month away, it seems like I will be leaving soon. I'm not a spontaneous traveler and it takes me a while to get ready. The trip to Titusville should be a piece of cake by now since I've been there many times before. Nope. I still fret about what cameras and clothes to take and wonder how everything will fit in a small carry on bag. I'm not a great traveler.

I went to the gym as soon as it opened. There wasn't much else to do. I still wonder why the gym parking lot is always full when there are typically very few people on the gym floor. There must be something else going on that I don't know about. I know they have classes in another nearby building. The cars could belong to employees, but I seldom see over five employees when I'm there. I guess I could ask someone. That's not my style though. I'll just wonder about this for years.

I thought about practicing with the star tracker this afternoon. There is already a new version of the iPhone app available. I ended up doing nothing. I'm already starting to tire of experimenting with this thing and wonder if I will ever put it to good use. I've had the tracker for many months and so far I have only taken one decent picture of the night sky. It's a useful tool to have around though. As long as the tracker is still under development, it always gives me something to do on a slow day.

Janet and I may go visit the rescue Dalmatians again tomorrow. The kennel is closing soon and we will be moving the dog to a new location. We're still not sure if we'll be able to play with the dogs regularly at the new place, so we wanted to see everyone again before the move. The rest of the day will be just like today. There will definitely be a sunrise walk with Dawn and a trip to the gym.

Puppies are today's Dalmatians of the Day

Watch of the Day

Monday, July 25, 2022

Day 4596

I made my reservations for the Florida trip today. When I was finished, I turned on the radio and discovered that there was an active shooter inside the airport I will be flying out of. Jeez. Nothing appears to be safe these days. The entire airport was evacuated and flights were delayed for hours. The story probably didn't even make the national news because nobody got killed. Events like this have become entirely too common.

Even though my travel arrangements for the Artemis-1 launch have been made, I will probably have to reschedule everything several times before I leave. Even worse, I might have to reschedule after I'm on my on my way. Launch schedules are notoriously unreliable. There are too many variables and something is almost guaranteed to change. The good news is that I have finally learned to expect these things. One way or another the launch will eventually take place and I will be there.

It was another hot day in a long string of hot days. Our sunrise walks with Dawn always give us a preview of what the day will be like. I really wish I was more of a morning person and didn't stay up so late writing this blog. It is warm just before the sun comes up, but temperatures in the mid-80's are still tolerable. If there is a breeze it actually feels nice outside. Dawn enjoyed her walk this morning and had a lot more energy than I did. I felt like going back to bed.

Janet and I visited the rescue Dalmatians this afternoon. Nobody got adopted this week, but all the dogs were in good spirits. We got a new football toy for Charlie because he was starting to chew the cover off the old one. He seemed to know that this toy was for him and got very excited. We have learned all the dogs personalities by now. Each of the boys are completely different, but all are a lot of fun. JoJo still likes to spend his time outside in the sweltering heat. Willie initially jumps around like a bucking bronco before he settles down and just wants to be petted. Rocket has become quite the gentleman. He has overcome his fear and like to play now. Spot is very gentle and we predict that he will be the next to get adopted. He was still wearing a cone today because he was neutered recently. Cooper was back at the kennel today. He still remembered us. Cooper has already been adopted, but was boarding at the kennel for the day. Did I forget anybody? Probably. I'm always forgetting something these days.

I went to the gym this afternoon after we returned from the kennel. The place was surprisingly crowded and I had trouble finding a parking place. I guess I'm not the only one looking for an escape from the heat.    Usually the younger people are still at work when I tend to go to the gym. The place is typically filled with folks a little older than I am. Some of these people can barely move while others have much more energy than I do.  There is a lot of determination in the room. I guess this is encouraging. I'd like to think that I could still go to the gym ten years from now.

I still can't decide whether to put my name on a wait list for the Otto Struve special viewing night at the observatory. People often need to cancel when making plans so far in advance. I wish I'd gone ahead and made a reservation last week. There aren't many opportunities to look through this telescope. I don't know if I need another opportunity to make the long drive to West Texas though. It was my turn to drive to the kennel this afternoon and even that short drive seemed long to me. Basically, I just don't like to drive anymore.

I hope I receive a schedule from NASA soon. All I have now is a very short note saying that I have been accepted to attend the launch. I like certainty and it makes me nervous when things are up in the air. Maybe I was flexible once, but those days are long gone. I like having a list I can follow. If someone doesn't provide me with a list, I will usually end up making one myself. 

Smokey is today's Dalmatian of the Day

Watch of the Day

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Day 4595

After failing again to find a hotel anywhere near Kennedy Space Center, I thought I'd try Airbnb. I've never used Airbnb before and had no idea what to expect. So far it's been a pleasant surprise. I was able to find a nice place in a convenient location for less than I've been used to paying at Titusville hotels. The host is very friendly and has been able to answer all my questions. The website provides lots of pictures of the property and there are informative comments from previous visitors. I hope this works out. It might be a whole new way to travel.

Our heat wave continues unabated. We had a nice sunrise walk with Dawn because there was a breeze this morning. The park was busy even though it was very early. I think everyone has finally learned that this is the only decent time to be outside. Janet and I had a big weekend breakfast and then I took my long walk. I would have preferred going to the gym, but it isn't open on Sunday. Even though I got started before 9 AM, it was already getting hot. I was able to complete my entire route, but I was slower than I was yesterday. By the time I returned home the temperature was almost 100 degrees. I don't know when this is going to end. The forecast shows a long string of 100 degree days for the rest of the month. By the time this summer is over, I'm almost certain that we will have set an all time record for sustained high temperatures.

Despite the high temperatures, Dawn got her Sunday outing. We still take her to the Sunday park, but we only get out of the car for a few minutes to let Dawn smell things. The Sunday outing is mostly about the ice cream now. The ice cream store has raised their prices recently, but the cones certainly aren't any bigger. The place does a good business so you wouldn't think they'd need to raise prices, but what do I know. I'm sure their cost of supplies has gone way up. You've got to do what you've got to do to keep your doors open these days. I'm just glad I'm retired. This isn't a great time to be running a small business.

I hope that NASA provides me with a schedule soon. It's really hard to make reservations when I don't know when I need to arrive. Sometimes you pick up your credentials the day before the launch. Other times it is several days before the launch. Usually there is only about a three hour window to pick up press badges, so if you miss the designated time slot, you are out of luck and you aren't going anywhere. Right now, the only thing I know is the scheduled launch date. Of course there is no guarantee that the rocket will actually launch on this date. The weather could change or there could be any number of technical problems that could delay the launch. I'm trying to stay optimistic, but given the history of this rocket the launch might not take place until Christmas.

Snooze you lose. I waited too long to make a decision about the special viewing night at McDonald Observatory and when I looked this evening the special viewing night was no longer available. The event has sold out. Jeez. Last night there were still spaces available and today they are gone. I need to be more decisive. I wouldn't have had problems finding a hotel in Titusville if I'd made my reservations before learning whether I'd get press credential. I could have always canceled the reservations if NASA didn't accept my request. I'm sure other people do this all the time. I could have also made reservations for the special viewing night at the Otto Struve telescope and canceled them if I decided later that I wasn't up for the long drive. I have a hard time doing things like this though. I'm not a competitive person and hate the idea that I have to compete with other people who might want to do the same things as me. I also tend to procrastinate on everything I do. Oh, well. It is what it is. I would have had a hard time affording back to back trips to Florida and West Texas anyway.

It looks like we'll be visiting the rescue Dalmatians again tomorrow. I don't think anyone got adopted this week, but we'll find out when we get there. I'll probably go to the gym after we return from the kennel. It's just too hot to try another walk in the park. Have I learned my lesson about being indecisive and waiting too long to make decisions? Probably not.

Molly is today's Dalmatian of the Day

Watch of the Day

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Day 4594

It was a busy day. The good news was that I got the recall work done on my car without a lot of problems. They were ready for me when I arrived and the car was finished as promised by the end of the day. It is a shame that loaner cars seem to be a thing of the past. They sold them all when new cars were impossible to get from the factory. Now they just call an Uber for you and give you a ride home. Hey, it's better than nothing I guess. I have no idea what they actually did on the recall. The car was running fine before the recall work and it is still running fine.

The bad news is that I can't find a hotel for my upcoming trip to attend the Artemis-1 launch. I knew that hotels were going to be tight for this launch, but I had no idea that they would be sold out a full month ahead of time. I'll continue looking tomorrow. It looks like I'll be staying a lot further from Kennedy Space Center than I'd like. I really hope I don't have to stay in Orlando. I suspect that I'll have the same problem with rental cars. You can't really plan a trip like this too far in advance though. Truthfully, I didn't really think I'd get press credentials for this popular launch. Without credentials, there would have been no point in making the trip at all. I've always stayed at the same hotel on previous trips to Titusville. You'd think being a regular customer would help me get a room. Nope. Sold out just means sold out.

Since I didn't have a car for most of the day, I couldn't go to the gym. I took my long walk in the park again and almost instantly regretted it. It is still way too hot to take an enjoyable five mile walk. I soldiered on and completed my route, but I'm definitely going to return to the gym as soon as it opens again on Monday. There still seems to be no end in sight for these hundred degree days. The forecast is discouraging. It looks like triple digits as far as the eye can see.

I got my grocery shopping done later in the afternoon after my car was finished. It's a lot better to shop early in the morning. Everything disappears quickly. The first store I went to didn't have strawberries and the second store I went to didn't have my favorite beer. I didn't have a long list today, but it seemed to take an inordinate amount of time to find everything. Maybe it was the heat. I couldn't wait to get back home and take a nap with Dawn.

We had Chinese take out for dinner again. The restaurant I like had a coupon that said I'd save $8 on my order if I ordered online. I gave it a try and only saved one dollar because of some additional online charges. The food was still good though. I hope this little neighborhood restaurant manages to stay in business. It looked alarmingly empty today when I went to pick up my order.

I'm still trying to decide whether to go out to the observatory at the end of September. There is a rare special viewing night at the 82" Otto Struve telescope and it isn't sold out yet. Only one place left though. Is this worth the terrible drive out there? It's hard to say. The Otto Struve is one of the largest telescopes in the world that occasionally provides access to the general public. There is no guarantee that you'll see anything though. I've made the long drive several times only to find cloudy skies or rain when I arrived.

We'll take Dawn to get ice cream tomorrow, but her Sunday outing won't include an afternoon walk. It's just too hot outside. I'm sure I'll still take my walk in the park though. I'm closing in on completing a full year of meeting my step goals. I'd hate to blow it now just because of some hot weather. Wish me luck at finding a hotel in Titusville tomorrow. I should have been more optimistic and booked a hotel before I got my press credentials.

Jewel is today's Dalmatian of the Day

Watch of the Day

Friday, July 22, 2022

Day 4593

Yay. NASA approved my application for press credentials and it looks like I will be attending the Artemis-1 launch later this summer. Forget everything I said yesterday. This launch definitely won't look like all the others. The Space Launch System is the largest rocket we've ever built and it's headed to the moon. Well, this first one is headed around the moon anyway. Hopefully, I'll get lucky about the launch dates. The trip could still get expensive if the launch gets delayed after I'm already in Florida.

All in all, it wasn't a bad day. I entered a few of my astrophotography pictures in a Dark Skies photo contest, went to the gym in the morning, and got a haircut in the afternoon. The weather was still very hot, but other than our sunrise walk with Dawn I managed to stay indoors. These sunrise walks provide a good preview of what the day is going to be like. It was humid this morning. I hate getting hot and sweaty before the sun even comes up. Sunrise walks are still tolerable though and Dawn likes them.

I haven't had the nerve to check airfare and hotel rates for my upcoming trip to Florida yet. I'm sure it will be more expensive than last time. I can't think of a single thing that has gotten less expensive this year. Sign of the times I guess. I think travel is still beneficial though. I don't do much, but it's good thing to have something to look forward to. Who knows. I may make it as a space journalist yet.

I got stung by a bee again this morning. This is the second time in a week. Technically, I guess I got stung by a wasp, but it still felt the same. These wasps are everywhere in our yard. It's hard to avoid them. I really hope that Dawn doesn't get stung. She's scared of almost everything already. I definitely don't want her to get scared of going out in the back yard. Lounging in the grass on a sunny day is one of her favorite things.

I always feel better after a haircut. I don't know why I spent my younger years wearing my hair longer. Shorter is definitely better. Especially in the summer. My hair is a lot thinner now, but it still seems to grow fast. It's funny. Yesterday I said I typically don't get a haircut unless I've got a trip planned. Well, now I've got a trip planned again. I still can't decide whether to go back to the observatory this year. One thing at a time is probably best.

I take my car in tomorrow morning for the factory recall. It seems like my car is a little old to still be getting recall notices, but you hate to ignore these things. Hopefully the dealership will do what they promised and won't keep my car over the weekend. They said the repair should only take two hours. I've heard that before. Two hours means about the same thing as two weeks to these guys. We'll see how it goes. I've got groceries to buy tomorrow and being without a car will complicate things.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Day 4592

I never imagined that summer would be a never ending string of hundred degree days. This is getting old. The temperature was a bit cooler this morning since it was overcast. The skies were dark and it looked like it was raining somewhere. Unfortunately we didn't get any. The cloudy skies did knock the temperature down a bit though. It stayed below 90 until mid afternoon. It's weird when 90 degrees feels like a cold wave.

It's so dry out that we put some water out for the squirrels. I'm not fond of squirrels, but they deserve water too. Watering outdoor plants had become a daily necessity. It's amazing how quickly everything dries up. A patch of Asian Jasmine out of reach of our sprinkler is already dead. I just paid the July water bill and it has gone up considerably. I'm sure the August bill will be even worse.

It was back to the gym again after breakfast this morning. I was terrible on the basketball court today. Weird. I was pretty good yesterday. Getting my steps on the gym's indoor track is boring, but it still beats walking outside. Each time I complete a lap, I calculate how much time I have left in my head. I'm surprised at how much time people spend talking at the gym. At times everyone seems to be chatting with someone except for me. You probably have to be able to carry on a good conversation to get hired as a trainer at this place. If people aren't talking, they are looking at their phones. Even when I'm walking in the park, I see people who are constantly looking at their phones. I don't get it. I still prefer solitude. The voices in my head are just fine.

The Land Rover dealership called today to remind me of my Saturday appointment. Unfortunately, they had totally forgotten what I was coming in for. I wanted to confirm that I'd be able to pick my car up the came day and the service representative said, "No, you'll have to leave it here for seven days before we can get to it." Wait a minute. You guys told me that it would be ready in two hours. We finally got it straightened out that I was coming in for a scheduled factory recall instead of an engine repair. They eventually confirmed that the car would be ready by the end of the day Saturday, but I have no faith in these guys. I wish I could just take the car to the other repair place, but the dealership is the only place that deals with factory recalls. 

I've got an appointment for a haircut tomorrow. I usually get a haircut before I travel somewhere, but there are no travel plans this time. Finally there are firm dates for the Artemis-1 launch and Special Viewing nights at the McDonald Observatory's historic 82" telescope. These are both events that I've been waiting for, but I'm losing my interest in going to either of them. There are three tentative dates for the Artemis-1 launch, all two or three days apart. If I go down to Florida for the first launch opportunity, it would be just my luck that the launch would be delayed until the last scheduled date almost a week later. This could be very expensive and hotels are booking up already. Covid restrictions are returning too. Is this even worth it?  I'm putting the cart before the horse though. My press credentials haven't even been approved yet. The trip out to the observatory is a little different. I'm not sure I want to make that long drive ever again. Each time I make the drive it seems a little worse. 

It's kind of sad that taking a nap with Dawn is right up there with rocket launches in terms of my priorities. That's where I'm headed though. I'm tired and have nothing to prove anymore. After a while one rocket launch begins to look exactly like the next one and the night sky always looks more or less the same. I'm starting to question what fun actually is. These days I think getting a good night's sleep is fun.

It looks like another triple digit day tomorrow. I've taken the trash out to the curb and watered the lawn. It's time to get some sleep.

Katie is today's Dalmatian of the Day

Watch of the Day

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Day 4591

Today is the 53rd anniversary of the first moon landing. We need more events like this. It might have been the last time the entire world felt good about something. Nevermind the fact that the Apollo program was all about the Cold War and the moon landing probably never would have happened if we weren't in a race to beat the Russians. It was still a stupendous achievement. I remember those days well. I was in college then and wasn't nearly as cynical. I actually believed all those who said we would have cities on Mars by now. What happened? There are no cities on Mars and the cities on Earth are crowded and very unsafe.

Dawn didn't have training class this evening. It was too hot. The temperature slowly builds throughout the day and it is usually hottest right around sunset. The sun has already set and it is still 104 degrees at our house. Hey, it is only 80 degrees indoors though. By bedtime, the temperature will be down to 78 and tomorrow morning it will be 75 again. It is actually probably a bit cooler in most rooms. The thermostat is right next to the air return for the AC and this is the warmest place in the house. 

I've really started to appreciate our sunrise walks with Dawn because they are the only times when the weather seems tolerable. This morning there was a nice breeze and we had a very enjoyable walk. As soon as the sun peeks above the horizon you can instantly feel the difference. The sun feels hot even at sunrise. Dawn seems perfectly content to just get one walk a day now. She's basically a very lazy dog and spends most of her time sleeping on the bed anyway.

I try to stay busier, although sleeping on the bed during the day sounds pretty good to me as well. I went back to the gym again after eating breakfast and checking my messages on the computer. Until our heat wave is over, this will probably be my routine for the rest of the summer. I might even try mall walking this Sunday when my gym is closed. I just don't think it is healthy to be out in this heat for very long. My summer routine at the gym is pretty much the same every day. I walk several miles on the indoor track to get my Fitbit steps and then I shoot some baskets on the basketball court for fun before I head home again. I always hope that I can find a space in the parking garage, because the car heats up very quickly if left out in the sun. I don't want anything to melt.

There isn't a lot to do in the afternoon. This is when I often take a nap if I feel so inclined. Janet likes to watch movies on her devices, but I have trouble doing this. I have trouble picking up a book either. Occasionally I will look at Amazon or New York Times best seller lists but I don't see any literary masterpieces. Every celebrity has a book these days. I should have been a ghost writer. I know these guys didn't write their books themselves. Actually, I should just start methodically re-reading all the books on my office bookshelves. I can't remember what is in most of them, but I know that I used to have good taste in books and enjoyed them all. It's hard to believe that I really read all these books. There are hundreds of them.

There is all this squabbling right now about fossil fuel versus renewal energy. Absolutely nobody is talking about the real problem. There are way too many people on the planet chasing too few resources. Humans are like Kudzoo Vines. We chop down all the trees to make houses and eat all the fish out of the sea. We should be planting more trees. Everyone is worried about greenhouse gasses, but trees actually love CO2. They convert the stuff into oxygen. We just don't get it. Instead of planting forests, we create vast deserts and then build solar panel farms on them. Nature tries to help by sending us new diseases every year designed to reduce our population. We're like busy beavers though and always find a cure for these diseases. We never learn. We keep building bigger cities and can't seem to produce enough food. I still think at the rate things are going humans will be extinct in 300 years.

On that happy note I will continue watching a small line of storms to the North of us on the weather radar. I was hoping that we might get some of that rain later this evening, but the storms seem to be dissipating. Who would have thought that after all my complaining about roof leaks, I would actually be hoping for rain.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Day 4590

It's going to be a very long summer. Every day seems the same. The relentless heat takes away my desire to do anything. Our sunrise walk with Dawn feels like what you'd expect at noon in a normal year. This is the only walk that Dawn gets now. It's far too hot for an afternoon walk. It's too hot for anything. I eat my breakfast, check my messages on the computer, and then wonder what to do next.

This morning I went to the gym fairly early. I have no burning desire to exercise, but it is something to do.  I'm getting better on the basketball court, but I'm not very athletic. All I do is shoot free throws. I'm not very fast on the indoor track either, but my Fitbit doesn't care. I make sure to walk at least 10,000 steps and close all the activity rings on my Apple Watch. I've actually learned a lot watching other people's personal trainers. Maybe someday I'll put these fitness tips to good use. I think I'm in reasonably good shape but older, heavier people often pass me on the track. Usually after about an hour and a half I've had enough and I head back home again.

My phone said that there was a new version of the Polaris app available, so I downloaded it. Strangely, it was exactly the same as the version I downloaded last week. Since I didn't have anything better to do, I set the star tracker up again and put it through it's paces. I had better luck today and the camera only disconnected from the tracker once. I have a feeling that some of the problems I've been having might be user error. It's hard to tell though, since there has never been an instruction manual for this thing. Most of what I've learned comes from the Facebook user group and the majority of these other users don't know any more than I do. 

I wish it were easier to keep our house cool. We have a ton of single pane windows that act just like radiators in the summer. When you stand near them you can feel the heat. The roof isn't insulated well either. Originally, the house had a thick tar and gravel roof that provided excellent insulation. When it came time to replace this roof, we discovered that nobody does tar and gravel roofs anymore. The thinner roofing materials that replaced the tar and gravel don't provide much insulation at all. I have a feeling that the weather was cooler fifty years ago as well. There were also more large Oak trees that provided a lot of shade. Several of these trees have died and the remaining ones are not in great shape. It all adds up to a house that isn't that comfortable in triple digit weather. Our air conditioning system is doing all it can. Most AC systems will only lower the temperature about twenty degrees. This means when the temperature is over 100 degrees outside, it can still approach 80 degrees inside.

I still wish I could hibernate like a bear. Napping is the next best thing though. Dawn has finally realized that nothing bad happens when we share the bed for an afternoon nap. We're actually getting along pretty well now. Maybe those nine days we spent together while Janet was on vacation helped. It's a good thing we can nap together. What else is there to do on a hot July day.

I'll probably go back to the gym tomorrow morning. I need to mow the grass but I'd rather wait for a cloudy day. It's time to get a haircut again too. Maybe I'll make an appointment tomorrow. I'm sure there are all sorts of things I could do if I was more industrious. We'll wait until it's cooler for that. This heat has killed my motivation.

Jade is today's Dalmatian of the Day

Watch of the Day

Monday, July 18, 2022

Day 4589

Still fighting the heat. It was already 85 degrees when we took Dawn on her sunrise walk and the sun wasn't even up yet. Later in the day the temperature climbed to 109 degrees. Yikes. Needless to say I didn't spend a lot of time outdoors. After breakfast I wrote a letter to my sister and took it to the post office. That was about it for the morning.

We went and visited the rescue Dalmatians this afternoon. JoJo has been adopted, but is still at the kennel. He will be joining his new family soon. Rocket has made a remarkable transformation. He's gained weight, his coat looks much better, and he is no longer fearful. It's hard to believe that all this has happened in less than a month. Rocket even plays with toys now. They used to scare him. Willie still enjoys being petted more than playing and Charlie still does his best to wear us out with all his energy. Spot, our new guy, is very relaxed and extremely friendly. I bet he finds a home soon. We took Spot back to the vet on our way home today because he needed to have his teeth cleaned.

I still had time to go to the gym after we returned from visiting the kennel. They have reinstated their mask mandate but I don't understand the logic. You have to wear a mask when you enter the building, but you can take it off as soon as you are on the exercise floor. This means that most people keep their masks on for about ten seconds. I didn't really do a lot today, but I did get my steps. I walked two miles on the indoor track and shot fifteen free throws on the basketball court. I'm still surprised that the same people seem to be at the gym no matter what time of day I arrive. Some of these folks must live there.

I got a quick reply from the Benro Polaris people regarding my camera connection problems. They weren't much help this time and just suggested that I might have a bad cable. Nope. The cables are fine. The problem is with the new firmware update. I shouldn't have installed this latest upgrade. The previous update was working fine. This is what happens when you get bored and have too much time on your hands. Maybe if I can get this problem fixed I will finally learn my lesson and just leave the problematic star tracker alone.

I hate to think what our electric bill is going to be next month. Our air conditioner has been running nonstop for days now. It takes all night to cool the place down and then as soon as the sun comes up, it starts to warm up again. I wonder how long this can continue without something breaking? I'll probably be going back to the gym for the rest of the summer. I don't like the drive, but the gym is nice and cold. I wish I could keep our house as cold as this gym. No wonder the regulars spend a lot of time here.

No big plans for tomorrow. I hope it's a little cooler, but I'm not counting on it.

Beemer is today's Dalmatian of the Day

Watch of the Day

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Day 4588

We are well on our way towards having the worst summer of all time. There are so many triple digit days ahead of us in the weather forecast that chances are good that we will set an all time record soon. It's not a good sign when you start to sweat on a pre-dawn walk with your dog. Our sunrise walk wasn't that bad though and we got Dawn back to the house before it got too hot. My long walk after breakfast was quite a bit worse. I managed to complete my entire route and was back at the house before 10:30 AM. The walk still wore me out though. Janet says I ought to go mall walking when my gym is closed. Actually, it's a pretty good idea. Walking around Northpark Mall on a hot day would probably be more interesting than walking around the indoor track at the gym.

Dawn got her Sunday outing, but we didn't do much walking. We just let her out of the car for a few minutes at the Sunday park to smell things and then headed straight for the ice cream store. I don't know why the store picked National Ice Cream day to raise their prices, but they did. It was so hot that the ice cream was a little soft. It seemed a bit like Dairy Queen soft serve, but it was still good. 

Since I definitely didn't want to go outside again, I spent the rest of the afternoon trying to upgrade the star tracker. There always seems to be an app upgrade or new firmware available for this thing, but I'm usually very apprehensive to install it. Once burned, twice shy I guess. I should have known that this latest firmware upgrade would break my camera connection again. I've been through this before. Benro sends me a custom software patch that fixes the problem and then a few days later there is a new firmware update that breaks things all over again. It's a good thing I don't actually need this star tracker. I've spent hours and hours testing this thing, but have only used it once to photograph the night sky on my last trip out to McDonald Observatory. I guess all these problems are par for the course for being a beta tester. It's frustrating though. I don't know why the company keeps trying to upgrade this product. It seemed to work fine to me several months ago.

Dawn has finally realized that I am not a threat when I nap on the bed with her. We coexist on the bed pretty well now. When I decide to take a nap, she no longer gets up and leaves the room. She doesn't even look alarmed. You can tell Dawn is starting to worry when her ears are laid back. When they are relaxed, she is fine. It's a good thing that Dawn is finally warming up to me. I can appreciate why she likes staying on the bed. The room is cool and the bed is comfortable. It's too bad I can't hibernate like a bear. I'd like to just take a very long nap until this heat wave is over.

Janet fixed a great dinner tonight. I'm glad she likes to cook because I sure don't. I do like to eat though and it was a nice way to end a very hot day. Tomorrow we'll go visit the rescue Dalmatians again. I think we need to take Spot back to the vet although I'm not sure why. I hope he rides well in the car because it's my turn to drive this week. I don't think I'll attempt another walk in the park. I'll probably go to the gym when we get back from the kennel. I'd still rather hibernate like a bear until this horrible summer is over. Jeez. When are we going to get some rain?

Riley is today's Dalmatian of the Day

Watch of the Day

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Day 4587

I wonder how long this heat wave is going to last? We've got to be setting some new records here. We probably should start taking our sunrise walk a little earlier. It's already pretty warm when we leave the house. These early walks are still the only nice part of the day. It gets hot very quickly.

I did my grocery shopping right after breakfast. It was nice to have a car again. Ordinarily, I would have gotten gas today, but I have to let the tank get down to less than a quarter full before I can get the factory recall work done on my fuel system. My shopping list was a little longer today, but I still managed to get back to the house before 11 AM. 

I went back to the gym today because who wants to walk in this weather. I still can't figure out why I walk slower on an indoor track than outdoors. It's counterintuitive. I got my steps and spent a little time on the basketball court, but that was it. I had no real desire to complete an extensive exercise routine today. Actually, I thought the gym was closing at 1 PM but I was wrong. I checked later and it is open until 4 PM on Saturday. If this weather continues, I'll be going back to the gym all next week. That should drain my gas tank fairly quickly. My car gets terrible gas mileage.

This afternoon was uneventful. I did a load of laundry and charged some batteries. It seems like I always have batteries to charge. There are laptop batteries, camera batteries, audio equipment batteries, watch batteries, power tool batteries, as well as the lawn mower battery and several large uninterrupted power supply batteries. I don't think I will ever get an electric car because batteries have become my nemesis. I'm always forgetting to charge the ones I really need.

I thought that Dawn would return to normal as soon as Janet got back from vacation. She's still acting weird though. For the past several days she won't come out to the kitchen and eat her dinner until Janet returns to the house. When Janet does come back, she doesn't even greet her. She races right out to the kitchen and eats her dinner. This seems very strange to me. At least she's still eating. She ate normally when Janet was gone too, although it took a few days.

I'm trying to decide whether to go back to the observatory later this Fall for a Special Viewing Night at the large 82" telescope. The observatory has resumed these special viewing opportunities that had been canceled during the Covid lockdowns. I'd really enjoy looking through this historic telescope, but I hate the long drive and I have pretty bad luck about arriving on a rainy day. Artemis-1 is supposed to launch this Fall as well. I would definitely go see the Artemis-1 launch first. I have a feeling that I'll probably sign up for a Special Viewing Night though. By Fall, I'll be bored to tears. I really need to find something I enjoy doing in Dallas. It's too complicated and expensive to always have to go to Florida or West Texas for a little fun.

It's going to be too hot for Dawn's regular Sunday outing tomorrow. We'll take her to the alternate park anyway, just so she can sniff around a little before heading for the ice cream store. I'm sure she won't miss a walk in the hot sun. She does like her ice cream though.

Friday, July 15, 2022

Day 4586

Well, my wallet is a little lighter, but I have my car back. I still can't believe how expensive catalytic converters have become. It's ridiculous. Your car will run just fine without one, but it's something you've got to have. Rules and regulations. This unforeseen expense makes me want to drive a simple older car. That wouldn't work though. I already drive an older car. When your car is over ten years old, things start falling apart left and right.

It was still hot today but it didn't seems as bad as earlier in the week. Maybe I'm just getting used to this ridiculous weather. Dawn only gets one walk a day now, since it is too hot for an afternoon walk. Our sunrise walk is still tolerable, but even that is starting to feel uncomfortable. I'm taking my long walk right after breakfast now, but I think I'll return to the gym tomorrow. That was the only thing I missed about being without a car all week. My addiction to Fitbit steps made me walk outdoors when it would have been a lot smarter to stay inside.

I think they are almost finished with the new path through the park. I watched a crew pour the last segment of concrete this morning. I'll kind of miss all the activity. Watching all the construction gave me something to do now that all the animals are in hiding. The only bad thing about this new super path is that there will be a lot more bicycles. Dawn loves to cross from one side of these paths to the other in search of the best smells. You really have to watch for bicycles approaching behind you. They are fast and they are silent.

I'm still having problems entering the Dark Skies photo contest. Why do people put websites online that don't work? I see this all the time. Some of my favorite restaurants have websites that don't work and I always have to call in my order. Maybe I notice this more since I spent so many years developing websites myself. Jeez. You are supposed to test these things before you take them live. I'm sure I made plenty of mistakes myself, but I did test my websites extensively. Mostly I just didn't want my clients yelling at me.

Janet got some steaks for dinner but they didn't arrive home with her. We think the checker just forgot to put them in the bag, but who knows. Probably the next person in line got a nice surprise in their bag. I was surprised that the store replaced the meat without any proof of what actually happened. I was also surprised at the cost of steaks. I usually buy the bulk items and Janet buys the perishable stuff, so I've lost track of how expensive many things have gotten lately. I don't think anything is getting cheaper.

Dawn is still getting upset whenever Janet leaves the house. I'm sure she's worried that Janet is going on another vacation. It's a shame that Dawn worries like this. Janet hates being housebound and I hate leaving the house. It would work out better if Dawn got upset when I left the house because I'm almost always here. 

It's time to make a grocery list again. At least I've got a car to go grocery shopping though. I hope that nothing else breaks this summer. After the air conditioner, the dishwasher, and now the car, I think enough is enough.

Lizzy is today's Dalmatian of the Day

Watch of the Day