Friday, August 12, 2022

Day 4614

JoJo got adopted today. Janet and I met the couple who were interested in him this morning. They looked at several dogs but it was clear that JoJo was their favorite. JoJo seemed to know that he had found his forever home. He didn't want to get in the car when we were changing kennels, but this time he hopped right in the couple's car for his freedom ride. They definitely got a good dog. Everyone who meets JoJo comments on how friendly and easy going he is. I'm glad he found a home.

Since I knew we were going to the kennel today, I went to the gym early. Dawn still got her sunrise walk and I had my regular breakfast, but I was out of the house before 9 AM. One of these days I'm going to need to change up my exercise routine. I continue to do exactly the same things day after day. That's OK though. It's an easy way to get my Fitbit steps and have a little fun on the basketball court without getting hot and sweaty. I don't know how they keep my gym so cold. The place is like a refrigerator.

I finally heard something from NASA today. Unfortunately it was not the news I've been waiting for. Today's message was primarily meant for people planning to attend the rollout on August 18. It would be nice to attend both the rollout and the launch, but I can barely afford launch day travel expenses. Oh, well. I've already seen the Artemis rocket sitting on the pad. It was there the last time I was down at the space center for the Axiom-1 launch. I'm really hoping that everything stays on schedule. I'm still not sure what I'm going to do if the launch gets delayed.

We're planning to move the rescue Dalmatians to a new kennel tomorrow. The current kennel is nice, but the kennel runs are too small for larger dogs like Dalmatians. Since some of the dogs end up spending a long time at the kennel before they find their forever homes, they deserve a bigger kennel run. I wasn't aware that there were so many boarding kennels in the Dallas area until we needed to find a new home for the dogs. There seem to be kennels everywhere. The place we are going tomorrow is new and is very clean. I think we have enough volunteers that everyone will only need to make one trip when we are transferring the dogs. I hope that everyone, especially Charlie, likes their new home and we won't have to move them again. Rescue dogs have had enough stress in their lives already. We want them to be happy.

It doesn't seem like it's time to make a grocery list already. It feels like I just did this a few days ago. I need to remember to pick up a prescription at the pharmacy as well. It's shaping up to be a very busy day tomorrow. It's already too hot again to go walking in the park during the day, but I'm not sure when I'm going to find time to go to the gym. I'll probably end up going late in the day. I was hoping that we might get some more rain next week, but rain has already disappeared from the forecast. At least Wednesday's rain didn't cause any roof leaks. I dodged a bullet on that one.

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