Thursday, October 13, 2022

Day 4676

It's feeling like Ground Hog Day again. Every day seems exactly the same. I have no one to blame but myself since I have no real desire to change. I did try to change things up a bit by going back to the gym this morning instead of walking in the park again. The gym is pretty much the same as well. I always have the same routine even if there are dozens of machines I have never tried. All I can say is that it's a good thing I handle boredom well.

The park was quiet this morning. There seems to be a lot more activity on the weekends. I'm always surprised that so many people do things together before the sun comes up. Some run in groups and cyclists often ride in groups. I have trouble just getting up in the morning. I'd never be organized enough to join a group activity before I've had breakfast. All this is just idle speculation though. I tend to avoid group activities at any time of day.

I've been wondering why the grass and other plants have been so sticky this Fall. Even the roads under trees are getting sticky. It turns out that we have an infestation of aphids in Dallas. The clear, sticky liquid if basically aphid poop. I wish I hadn't learned this because it is kind of gross. The stuff is not harmful to dogs or humans, but it can kill plants. The plants are having a tough time this Fall. First it was the little green web worms and now it's the aphids.

I was terrible on the basketball court when I was at the gym this morning. I wonder why I am so inconsistent? I've been shooting free throws at this gym for so many years now that I should have perfected the process by now. Shooting baskets is basically just hand eye coordination. I must not be terribly coordinated because I'm all over the place. On a good day I can sink seven or eight baskets in a row. On a bad day all I do is embarrass myself. I used the vibration plate again today. It doesn't even seem like exercise, but if it can help improve my bone density, it's worth spending ten minutes on the machine. I still don't like the drive, but going to the gym was a nice change of pace. I didn't have to walk through any aphid poop either.

It's surprising how many launches I get approved for at Kennedy Space Center. I got invited to another launch today. Some of the approvals are automatic and I don't have to apply for credentials. The Space Force is usually a lot more consistent with approvals than NASA. I'm glad they don't check and see whether I actually show up for the launch. If they checked I'd have been crossed off the list by now. I'd really like to go to all of these launches, but I can only afford several trips a year. I'm already looking forward to my next trip. I still feel like a pretend journalist, but I do enjoy the experience.

Dawn's been avoiding me all evening because Janet is out of the house. It's disappointing that we haven't become buddies, but there isn't a lot I can do about the situation. It seems like she ought to be able to tell that I really like dogs. Maybe I look or smell like one of the men who mistreated her. Dawn is probably glad when I go to Florida.

Puppies are today's Dalmatian of the Day

Watch of the Day

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