Monday, November 7, 2022

Day 4701

The day started out normally enough. It was already light outside when we took Dawn on her sunrise walk. It was also very warm and muggy, but I didn't give that any thought. I ate my breakfast and took my long walk in the park. There was no wind and I thought it was just going to be another overcast day, but about five minutes after I returned home the skies opened up and it started pouring rain. What was this about?. I'm usually right on top of changing weather, but this downpour caught me completely by surprise.  

Actually the entire day caught me by surprise. I finally got hold of the restaurant where Janet and I wanted to have Thanksgiving Brunch and they told me that the event was already completely sold out. I must have acted surprised because the person I talked to on the phone said that some people had made their reservations two to three months ago. What has changed? I have made reservations several weeks ahead of time at this restaurant many times before and never had any problems.

I tried to remember other places we've gone on Thanksgiving and our second choice wasn't even doing a Thanksgiving Brunch this year. I did a Google search and found a couple of other places, but when I called I just got a voicemail message. We may have to come up with a plan B.

I have a feeling that the November 14th Artemis launch isn't going to happen. Nicole is a named storm now and is headed toward Kennedy Space Center. I got a message from NASA this morning saying that all media activities are subject to change. A lunar eclipse photo opportunity has already been canceled and remote camera activities have been postponed. If the storm strengthens and becomes a hurricane, I suspect that Artemis will be rolled back to the VAB again. Things are changing quickly though. There may not even be time to roll the rocket back to the VAB. This launch appears to be cursed. I hope they don't wait until the last minute to make a decision about the launch date. I need time so that I can cancel my reservations without penalties if necessary. Right now it appears that they are just going to leave the rocket on the pad during the storm and hope for the best. I have a bad feeling about this. If they just cancel the attempt on the 14th and push everything back to the 16th at the last minute I doubt that I'll be able to find a hotel. At any rate, I'll be checking the weather in Florida very carefully as the week continues.

I was surprised at how heavy today's rain was. I just got lucky that I wasn't caught out in it. At this time of year I need to remember to always check the weather before I do anything. Storms can appear out of nowhere during the rainy season. Oh, well. At least I don't have to worry about an approaching hurricane. The pumps are still working on the roof and so far we have had no water leaks.

I hope our weather improves tomorrow. I have a doctor's appointment and it looks like it will be a busy day. I hope I can still find someplace nice to go out for dinner on Thanksgiving. We weren't really planning to stay home and cook. I'm still disappointed that our favorite restaurant is completely booked. They stopped doing their Thanksgiving Brunch during the Covid years and Janet and I were both looking forward to a return to normalcy. This should probably be a lesson for me. There's a good chance that nothing will ever be normal again.

At least all the annoying campaign ads and commentary on TV will be gone after tomorrow. I'm sick of all the hysteria. The world isn't going to end no matter who wins. It will just slowly continue to deteriorate.

Spot is today's Dalmatian of the Day

Watch of the Day

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