Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Day 4703

Not a lot was accomplished today. After the time change, we're taking our sunrise walks in daylight again. The ground was soggy, but it looks like the rain is over for a while. I think Dawn is still running on Daylight Savings Time. She's ready to get up earlier in the morning and wants her dinner earlier as well. I'm fine with the time change. I didn't really like walking in the dark.

I took my long walk right after breakfast this morning because I wanted to take advantage of the cooler weather. I didn't see the eagles today, but the muscovy ducks and our resident geese were waiting for me. I probably should have gone back to the gym. These walks are starting to get boring again.

After I returned to the house, I wrote a letter to my sister and took it to the post office on my way to pick up a prescription at the pharmacy. I needed to reschedule a doctor's appointment because of the changing Artemis launch schedule and I checked with the urologist about my test results. I stayed busy, but it didn't really feel like I was accomplishing anything. The elephant in the room is still Hurricane Nicole. Am I going to have to change my travel plans again?

I've been watching the weather and it's still uncertain whether Hurricane Nicole is going to do any damage at Kennedy Space Center. It still doesn't seem like a good idea to leave the rocket out on the pad during a hurricane, but what do I know? I hope everything gets resolved soon. I really hate continually changing my hotel and airline reservations.

Tomorrow a carpenter is coming over to the house to take a look at the rotted wood on the fascia of our flat roof. Hopefully he will tell me that this is an easy fix and I can tell him to go ahead with the repairs. This is one of the things I really need to get done soon. You can't have your house falling down around you. Maybe when I get this repair completed, I can finally start thinking about cameras and lenses again. I've had a lot of unexpected expenses this Fall. It's much more enjoyable to spend your money on things you don't really need.

Janet said that Dawn did well in training class tonight. She didn't win any ribbons this week, but she's in the advanced class now. This dog has more regular activities than I do. That's OK though. I'm not trying to win any ribbons.

Dot is today's Dalmatian of the Day

Watch of the Day

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