Monday, January 9, 2023

Day 4764

I finally tried to remove the brown water leak stains in the ceiling this morning. I've done this before and I tried not to make the same mistakes I usually make. The proceedure involves using a spray bottle to soak the affected areas with bleach and hope that the stain disappears. The problem is that tiny droplets of bleach sometimees go where they are not supposed to. This time I knew to wear a hat and not to wear my usual black t-shirt. I also moved everything under the stained area out of the way. I did a pretty good job. The ceiling looks much better now although a few small stained areas remain. A few droplets of bleach got on some furniture, but I cleaned them up quickly before the bleach discolored anything. Since the house smelled of bleach anyway, I also cleaned out the tubs of both dehumidifiers with bleach. These water tubs get pretty nasty after a while. I still need to replace the sheetrock in the ceiling, but I'm not going to do that until we get a new roof. The next really heavy rainstorm we get will make the leaks appear all over again. These water leaks really make me feel like Sisyphus pushing the rock up the hill.

I still haven't heard anything about the Falcon Heavy launch, but I talked with one of my launch photographer friends and the Florida folks haven't heard anything either. Who knows what is going on. I may or may not end up going to this launch and I'm beginning not to care. I do know that the launch has been postponed until Friday which is too bad because airline flights are more expensive on the weekend. Maybe I'll find out something tomorrow.

We walked Dawn in the dark again this morning. Janet likes to keep a regular work schedule even though we have both been retired for quite a while. We always get up earlier on weekdays. I could sleep until 8 AM every morning, but it's not so bad getting up early. I've got to get up at some point anyway. Dawn loves these early walks. She spends most of her time zig zagging around smelling things. At first I thought she was smelling other dogs, but we're usually the first to walk every morning, so I think she is smelling wild animals now. There are tons of animals in the park and they probably spend all night peeing on things.

Every morning I contemplate going to the gym and then end up taking my walk in the park instead. I kind of like shooting baskets at the gym, but that doesn't overcome my dislike of driving. Usually it's just general laziness that makes me choose a walk in the park. It's easy to just head out the back door and start walking. Today's walk was completely uneventful. There is no construction activity to watch anymore and lord knows where the eagles have gone. I haven't seen them in over two weeks now.

I still can't decide whether to attempt a trip out to the observatory this year. I'm pretty sure there will be events where they will need volunteers in the Spring. I'm not at all sure about the long drive though. The last time I returned home from West Texas I kept thinking that this was my last trip. The drive was very tiring. I hate to give up though. I'm determined not to wind up like my Dad, sitting on the couch and watching television all day. It's a shame that the two things I like are so far away. I do enjoy my time at the observatory though. Maybe I'll send a letter and see if they are looking for volunteers.

Tomorrow will probably be very much like today. I should make an effort to go to the gym just to do something different. We'll see.

Mack is today's Dalmatian of the Day

Watch of the Day

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