Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Day 4842

Even on days where nothing happens, I still wonder about things. Why are the airwaves filled with commercials from pharmaceutical companies advertising pills with side effects so serious they can kill you? Why do small SUV's from every manufacturer look exactly the same? Why do people stop at McDonalds on the way home from the gym? Who are they kidding? Why are roads perpetually under construction? I could go on and on. The world just doesn't make sense anymore.

I think the secret to good health is as simple as eating fresh healthy food every day and getting lots of exercise, but people continue to spend billions on dubious supplements and weight loss plans. The secret to financial stability is as simple as never spending money you don't have. Credit cards are just an illusion. I don't know the secret to happiness, but I bet it has something to do with following your own internal compass instead of constantly comparing your situation to others around you. It shouldn't matter what others are doing.

This new desire to be part of a hive mind is a curse. I think social media is one of the worst inventions in the history of humanity. It's definitely not making us smarter. Every day I see people walking through the woods in the park with their face glued to their phones. They're not even aware of what is going on around them. The same thing happens when they are in the car. A majority of traffic accidents in the city are caused by people who are texting when they should be watching the road. When I used to hear people talking to themselves, I always though they were mentally ill. Now I know they're just carrying on a conversation using earbuds. Where does this desire to constantly talk to someone else come from? Is it really that bad to be alone with your thoughts?

It's not surprising that I'm not much of a talker. Dawn finds male voices threatening, so she doesn't like to hear from me. Janet thinks I'm too negative, so unless I have something positive to say, she agrees with Dawn. I can spend several days down at Kennedy Space Center without hardly talking to anyone. I still really enjoy the trip though. One of my favorite visits to McDonald Observatory was when I was the only one staying at the Astronomer's Lodge. When you are alone with your thoughts, you aren't really alone at all. Truthfully, I wish I could turn off my thoughts the same way I turn off the TV at night. It would be easier to get to sleep.

Our pleasant weather continues. Dawn loves her early morning walks now and spends even more time smelling things than she did before. Unfortunately, she also loves to eat the new grass that is coming up everywhere. All our Dalmatians have loved to eat grass in the Spring. I had vague thoughts of doing something productive today, but I didn't get very far. I charged up the battery to the lawn mower, but by the time I finished my long walk, I was too tired to mow. I'd better do this tomorrow though. Weeds are starting to grow in the front yard and more rain is on the way later in the week. My little electric mower is not motorized, so it's getting harder to push. Maybe I'm just getting weaker.

The park is looking green and lush now. Pretty soon I'll start seeing baby ducks. I see the Mallards looking for nesting sites now. I'm going to have to start looking out for snakes again. It's getting warm enough for snakes. All is good though. I'm trying to enjoy the Spring weather while it lasts. Aside from the rain, it is the nicest time of year in Texas. I still try to complete my six daily miles in the middle of August, but it's not very fun. Summers in Texas can be brutal.

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