Saturday, April 1, 2023

Day 4846 - April Fools Day

Another normal Saturday. We got up about thirty minutes later than we do on weekdays and gave Dawn her morning walk. Dawn is never in a hurry on these walks and loves smelling things. The walk gives me a chance to wake up. I always get to bed late and would welcome a chance to sleep later in the morning. Dawn has her own agenda though. Thankfully, the weather was nice today. I really think Winter is over now. It won't be long before I'm complaining about how hot it is.

I had trouble telling the April Fools posts from the regular posts on Facebook today. The world is so strange these days that almost anything seems plausible. Almost every day I run across something that seems impossibly strange, yet turns out to be true. I guess it doesn't hurt to be skeptical, but life would be a lot easier if you could actually believe what you hear.

My grocery list was small today, but it still took a long time to find everything. The city has definitely changed. The roads never used to be this crowded on weekends. The stores are well stocked, but there doesn't seem to be as much variety. I dutifully pushed my cart around, picked up what I needed, and returned home. I find no joy in shopping anymore, although I did find some Maryland Crab Cakes on sale. I love crab cakes..

I thought about going to the gym this afternoon, but once again it was a lot easier to just walk in the park. The nice weather brought out lots of visitors. I'm still surprised that so many people walk faster than me. I don't think I'm walking slow, but almost everybody passes me. Moms pushing strollers pass me. Old people pass me. Entire families pass me. I'm not really concerned. At least I'm still moving. According to my Fitbit, I'm actually burning quite a few calories.

The new printer keeps getting disconnected from the WiFi network. It probably needs to be moved to a better location, but where would that be? There are no empty spaces left in the house. It wasn't hard to get the printer working again. I just did what I always do. I turned the machine off and then turned it on again.  This seems to fix just about anything.

Dawn seems fine now, although we are still giving her a small amount of Rimadyl. She still seems to favor one paw occasionally, but maybe I'm imagining things. If we can just keep her from jumping on and off the bed I think we'll be OK. We've had so many things go wrong with dogs over the years that it's understandable to worry. They're always getting into trouble.

There's more rain in the forecast tomorrow. I hope that Dawn still gets her Sunday outing, but that depends on the weather. None of us particularly enjoy getting wet.

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