Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Day 4850

Some really loud thunder woke us up last night. The lightning flashes were quite bright and even Dawn, who isn't scared of storms, seemed alarmed. From the sound of rain hitting the roof, I was prepared for roof leaks to start any minute, but the storm was over as quickly as it started. We went back to sleep and by the time we got up, the ground was almost dry again. The roof never leaked.

The rest of the day was uneventful. Dawn got her early walk at the normal time and I had my regular weekday breakfast of shredded wheat and fruit. It actually felt colder than it did yesterday because there was quite a bit of wind. Not a bad day though. Any rainy day where the roof doesn't leak is fine by me.

I applied with the Space Force to cover another April launch today. This military mission will be one of the last remaining Delta-IV Heavy launches, since this vehicle is being retired. I'd like to see one of these rare launches before this rocket disappears entirely. I don't know what I'll do if all my applications get approved. I can't afford to go to all of them. Nothing ventured, nothing gained though. There's a good chance that at least one application will be rejected, Several of the April launches are very close together, so I'd probably only need to make one trip to Florida. We'll see what happens. It wouldn't be the end of the world if nothing gets approved.

It's probably time to start going back to the gym again, since my daily long walks are getting really boring.  Every day is exactly the same. The walk has become so predictable that I can guess my time within a few seconds at just about any location. It's clear that I'm not the only one with a predictable schedule because I pass a lot of the same people every day. Many of these people are walking their dogs. It would be nice if Dawn would walk with me sometimes, but she'll never go anywhere without Janet. All things considered, it's better that I walk alone.

I keep reading that artificial intelligence is going to replace us all. This might have worried me when I was younger, but it's hard to care now. I've already been replaced by younger humans. They say that artificial intelligence applications like Chat GPT are well suited for advertising copywriting. I'm not surprised. Copywriting never seemed to require a lot of intelligence. That's probably why I was good at it. I don't know what I would choose as an occupation if I were young today. In high school I thought I was going to be a physicist. In college I chose to be an architect. Despite the best of intentions, I wound up in the advertising industry. Go figure.

Janet said Dawn did well in training class tonight. She's currently the only dog in class wearing a harness instead of the required prong collar. Dawn has a doctor's excuse though, so everything's OK. Hopefully everything will remain OK for the rest of the week. We're going to discontinue Dawn pain medication soon because she is doing so well on a minimal dose. There is no rain in the forecast for tomorrow but that doesn't mean much. I'm sure it will rain again soon.

Angel is today's Dalmatian of the Day

Watch of the Day

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