Thursday, May 4, 2023

Day 4879

I got started on my SpaceFlight Magazine article today. I'm not really happy with it yet, but at least I'm making progress. As usual I lost a paragraph and had to start over when Microsoft Word froze on me and I had to restart the computer. I really need to remember to save my work more often. No harm done though. I didn't like that paragraph anyway.

It was another slow and largely uneventful day. We got up and walked Dawn earlier than usual because Janet had an early appointment. Dawn continues to seem strong and no longer shows any signs of weakness in her front legs. She hasn't fallen in quite a while now. I haven't fallen either, but I do show signs of weakness from time to time. There's nothing wrong. I'm just getting older.

After my usual breakfast I checked my messages and got ready for my long walk. Most of my messages are spam these days. There doesn't seem to be any way to avoid these unsolicited messages. I get them on my land line, my cell phone, and on my computer. I've gotten where I never answer the phone unless caller ID shows a number that I clearly recognize. Most of the e-mail spam is painfully obvious. How stupid do these guys thing I am? Spam and telemarketers are still irritating though. I uses every spam blocker in creation and still a lot gets through.

I made pretty good time on my walk today, but my feet are hurting again. These walks are starting to seem like Ground Hog Day. The same things happen over and over again. I pass the same people, see the same animals, and end up complaining about the same aches and pains. Long walks are still the best way to kill time that I can think of. If I didn't take these walks I would just stay at home and eat snacks. A two hour walk adds structure to an otherwise amorphous day. I'd consider walking three hours a day, but I don't think I could make it. Two hours is pretty tiring as it is.

Much of my work on the article today was just doing research. I returned from Kennedy Space Center last Friday, but I forget things quickly. I don't know what I'd do without Google. You can quickly find the answer to virtually anything on Google these days. Doing research use to involve a trip to the central library and hours of searching through books, magazines, and newspapers. The whole process is so easy now.

I didn't finish my article, but I did finish my long walk. I need to start walking on the other side of the lake just to break the monotony. I could always go to the gym instead, but it's more enjoyable to walk outside instead of around the gym's small indoor track. I'd probably accomplish more by just going to the weight room at the gym, but I've become totally hooked on getting my Fitbit steps every day.

I've taken this weeks trash out to the curb and am waiting for the rain that has been predicted all day to finally start. Tomorrow I'll finish my article and send it off to the magazine. I'm ready for another launch trip. There is very little that interests me here in Dallas.

Crosby is today's Dalmatian of the Day

Watch of the Day

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