Sunday, June 25, 2023

Day 4931

We've had hotter summers before, so why does this one seem so bad? I'm probably just getting older and can't handle these temperatures as well. Social media didn't exist during some of our previous heat waves either. I think being constantly reminded of something tends to make it worse. Being immersed in bad news isn't limited to the weather either. I can't excape from bad news anymore. Life actually seems pretty good until I turn on the TV or fire up my computer. Maybe the heat would be more bearable if I wasn't wondering what it all means.

I like our early morning walks with Dawn. Nothing bad has happened yet and simple things like seeing a rabbit bring pleasure. The temperature is much cooler just before sunrise and there is usually a nice breeze. Dawn loves her morning walks and is very serious about smelling things. Let's face it. Dogs are easy to please. I wish this illusion of peace and tranquility would last a little longer. I could probably extend the spell for an extra hour or so if I just didn't turn on the TV while I was eating breakfast.

We didn't have our usual big breakfast today because Janet had a class to go to. I ate my shredded wheat and fruit and then got ready to go mall walking. I go earlier now because I only recently realized that the mall is open for walkers sooner than I thought. Mall walking is actually very similar to walking around the indoor track at the gym. It's flat, the temperature is controlled, and I usually walk about the same distance at either place. Walking around the mall is more interesting though. I find looking in overpriced store windows more interesting than watching old people get their physical therapy at the gym.

There were not a lot of changes this week. Only one new store opened and very few of the window displays changed. These windows are becoming very familiar now and I notice very small changes. Only a few stores change their displays every week. Some never change them at all. I'm starting to recognize other walkers. I think the same people walk every week. The older people are easy to recognize, but the young women pushing kids in strollers all look the same. Men take their little kids to the mall too, but they never push strollers. I kind of wished the Apple Store opened early. I might have bought a new phone this morning.

We didn't take Dawn on her Sunday outing walk this morning because it was too hot outside. She still got to go for ice cream though. We just drove to the ice cream store, ate our cones in the car, and then came home. This is probably all Dawn really wanted anyway.

Lately I haven't been very active in the afternoon. Most of my activity seems to take place in the morning. I think I like the notion of the siesta. In some hot climates the typical siesta lasts from 2 to 5 PM. Seems about right. There are plenty of things that need attention around the house, but it's hard to get interested. I look at these things and realize that the task will still be around tomorrow. I'll eventually get around to these things. All in good time. Hey, we did finally get a new roof didn't we.

I'm not sure what I'll be doing tomorrow. There is no rain in the forecast for the next week, so it's a safe bet that it will be very hot outside. If I want to take care of any outdoor chores, it's going to have to be very early in the morning. I'll probably just go to the gym again and call it a day.

Puppies are today's Dalmatians of the Day

Watch of the Day

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