Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Day 4941

Another uneventful day. I'm having problems connecting to the Internet this evening, so this post is taking a lot longer than expected. Actually, everything is taking longer than expected today, but that's pretty typical for a hot July day. I'm not looking forward to the next two months.

It's always deceptively cool on our sunrise walks with Dawn, but the pleasant weather doesn't last long. As soon as the sun hits our faces we know that we're in for another hot day. The humidity seems to have returned as well. Oh, well. So much for fixing the screen door today.

After finishing breakfast I drove to the post office and mailed the letter I wrote yesterday. Then I returned to the gym for another three mile walk on the indoor track and a little time on the basketball court. I know I need to work on my upper body strength, but when I'm finished with these two activities I'm usually ready to go home. At least I found a space in the parking garage today. The car stays much cooler when it's inside.

When I returned home I spent some time corresponding with my editor, trying to sort out which launches I'll be covering for the rest of the year. There are always more launches I'd like to attend than money for unlimited trips to Florida. I think I'll be able to attend the important launches though. Sometimes I wonder why I continue to do this. The magazine doesn't pay travel expenses and all these launches are more or less the same. It's still a pleasant experience to be considered a space journalist though. I guess I'll continue chasing rockets as long as I can.

I wish there was something that captured my interest right here in town. Right now I usually just feel like taking a long nap. I've thought about joining an astronomy club, but I hate driving at night. I've been spoiled by the dark skies out at McDonald Observatory as well. The night sky in Dallas isn't much to speak of. What else is there? I don't collect things anymore and I basically have everything I need. I don't even eat lunch much anymore. I used to frequently go out for lunch with people, but it was usually business related. Pretty much everything I did for thirty years was business related. Truthfully, retirement isn't all that exciting.

There are still plenty of chores to do around the house but I'm trying my best to avoid them. It's too hot to work outdoors and too messy to repair the damaged sheetrock on the ceiling. If we ever get a cool day I'll fix the screen door, but I'm not eager to do that either. In theory I could get more writing jobs. It's just a theory though. Just about all my contacts have either retired or died.

Tomorrow will be just like today. We'll have a nice walk with Dawn before it gets too hot. I'll go to the gym, but won't really take advantage of all it has to offer. I'll end the day with a blog post talking about how little happened that day.

Isabella is today's Dalmatian of the Day

Watch of the Day

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