Monday, July 17, 2023

Day 4953

The temperature wasn't bad when we took Dawn on her sunrise walk, but it didn't take long for it to climb to over 105 degrees. When is this going to end? When I looked at the weather app on my phone it showed triple digit temperatures for the next two weeks. I tried to make the most of the cooler early morning temperatures by finishing mowing the grass in the back yard right after breakfast. That was actually a smart move. By the time I was ready to go to the gym a few hours later, it was already to hot to do anything outdoors. I hate to even think what our electric bill is going to be next month. It's going to be awful.

On the way to the gym I dropped off a few things at the storage warehouse. This trip was depressing because the warehouse is full. I had a hard time finding a place for the few things I brought today. Some of the stuff in storage is useless and could be thrown away, but it's not going to be an easy task. The older stuff is almost impossible to reach because it is hidden behind piles of newer stuff. Some things could be easily sold, but I have an almost deathly fear of interacting with strangers, so I would never put anything on Craigslist or have a garage sale. eBay is too much trouble these days. There are lots of scammers and you have to box everything up and ship it to the buyer. If I had unlimited resources I'd just keep renting additional storage units and let some future edition of Storage Wars deal with the stuff after I'm gone. Does this make me a hoarder? Probably not. The house is still pretty clean and neat.

I'm glad I've got my gym to go to on days like this. They must have some industrial strength air conditioning units because the place is always ice cold, even on days like this. Mondays always seem to be more crowded than other days. I have no idea why. Luckily I found the last covered space in the parking garage today. My gym visits aren't very imaginative. I do the same things day after day. I walk three miles on the indoor track and shoot baskets for about fifteen minutes. My time on the basketball court provides more exercise than you might think. It's probably the most active I am all day.

I spent the afternoon trying to keep out of the way. Dawn didn't want me in the bedroom with her and Janet was cleaning the floors and didn't want me to walk on them while they were wet. I was stuck in the office for a while. The computer used to be entertaining, but there are only three places I visit anymore. I look at Facebook, I read Google news, and I write my blog on Blogspot every night. I should just delete my LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter accounts. I never visit those places these days.

I still haven't heard anything about the Falcon Heavy Jupiter 3/EchoStar launch I applied for earlier. It would probably be a blessing in disguise if I didn't get approved. My car insurance is due and I still haven't paid for the new water heater yet. I was hoping that the new roof would be my only big expense this year, but that hasn't worked out very well. It seems like everything is a big expense these days.

We'll have to get up even earlier to avoid the heat tomorrow. It's a shame that Dawn only gets this one early walk a day now. I guess that's better than nothing though. The heat has gotten so bad that the park department is putting out signs along the paths warning people about heatstroke in dogs and the dangers of them burning their paws on hot asphalt of concrete. If history is any guide, things aren't looking good this summer. It is usually hot until October here in Dallas. I spend the day just hoping that our air conditioner doesn't go out or we have a power outage. 

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