Friday, August 4, 2023

Day 4971

The heat wave continues. It's easy to see the changes the heat has brought on our sunrise walks. The grass in the meadows has turned dry and yellow. Some of the trees that aren't heat resistant are turning yellow and losing their leaves. Giant cracks are appearing in the soil as well. I've seen this before during hot summers and am always worried that a dog will step in one of these cracks and break a leg. It's going to take a lot of rain to reverse this damage. Unfortunately the rainy season doesn't return until October. It always seems to rain a lot during the State Fair.

Today was a bit different. After breakfast this morning I went to get a haircut. I guess I ought to be glad that I still have hair at my age. It's slowing turning white but it's still all there. I always feel better after a haircut and don't understand men who like beards and longer hair. I wore my hair a lot longer during my college years and early thirties but that was another universe. I can't even remember why I liked the things I did back then.

My stylist likes to chat, so I talk more during haircuts than I do for the rest of the month. Janet and I talk during our morning walks, but I'm usually silent for most of the day. This is a big change from my ad agency days, or even the early days of my company. I like it this way though. I find silence peaceful.

I went to the gym on the way home from my hair appointment. The gym is not very silent. It seems to be a social occasion for most people. Other people on the floor always seems to be chatting with each other. I think some of the older people hire a personal trainer just to have someone to talk to. To each his own I guess. I doubt that I will ever be a chatty person again. Janet and I are both quiet people.

The demolition crew is still causing a big racket down the street. I don't think this house wanted to be removed. They even took out the pool today. If the original owners were still alive they would have been horrified to see what happened to their home. The street is definitely changing. I hate to even think what it will look like twenty years from now.

Dogs are easy to please. Dawn remains excited when Janet comes home with groceries on Friday. She won't get excited at all when I do my own grocery shopping tomorrow. I'm sure Dawn knows that Janet always brings home the good stuff like cheese and sliced turkey. I tend to bring home garbage bags, Swiffer dusters, and beer. Maybe I can find something interesting for Dawn when I go to the store. 

Pebbles is today's Dalmatian of the Day

Watch of the Day

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