Friday, April 14, 2023

Day 4859

I received author copies in the mail today for one of my magazine articles. That was a nice surprise and added to my growing collection, but I was really hoping to hear about press credentials for the Viasat-3 launch. I've still heard nothing and am beginning to think this isn't going to work out. Oh, well. There are a ton of interesting launches later this year and I've only got limited travel funds, so I need to just chill out and be patient.

Our clear skies have disappeared and for a while it felt like it was going to rain today. It was still a nice day for walking though. I actually prefer overcast days. I keep following the same routine day after day even though I realize that I should try changing things up once in a while. A little monotony is fine, but too much monotony is bad for the soul. At the very least, I should try walking on the other side of the lake. I used to do this occasionally and it's not that difficult. If I was really ambitious I could walk all the way around the lake. Janet did this once. The distance seems daunting to me, although I could easily circle the lake in less than half a day. I just don't have a strong desire to do this. Six miles a day seems plenty.

Today would have been a good day to finish raking the leaves, but I keep hoping that they will just blow away. I watered the grass instead. It's been over a week since it's rained and things are beginning to look dry. Our water bill goes way up in the summer. I don't know how people with large yards can afford to keep things looking nice.

Earlier this year the magazine I write for asked me if I wanted to participate in a media day for the CHAPEA Mars habitat down at Johnson Space Center. I said I was interested and to send me more information about a time and date. I never heard anything further and totally forgot about the media day until I started reading articles about CHAPEA in other publications a few days ago. They were even talking about the Mars habitat on the Gutfeld show last night. Oops. I guess I missed the media day. I don't think I ever got an invitation, but maybe I did. A ton of mail winds up in my spam folder and I've been known to erase some things by mistake.

I wrote a letter to my sister this afternoon but didn't bother to go to the post office. I can do that tomorrow when I do my Saturday grocery shopping. Janet did her grocery shopping today, which always gets Dawn excited. Grocery day is her favorite day. Today she sat at the front door and whined for about an hour before Janet returned. In Dawn's world everything needs to happen right on schedule. I need to feed her at the proper time and she makes sure we always walk her on time. I don't know how she has such a good little internal clock. Her sense of time is much better than mine.

Maybe I'll hear something about the Viasat-3 launch tomorrow. I'm running out of time to make reservations. I still need to make a grocery list for tomorrow, but that should be easy. I always buy the same things every week.

Flash is today's Dalmatian of the Day

Watch of the Day

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